Category Archives: Preorder Outlook

Preorder Outlook LXII

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a preorder post – or any post at all, really, but it’s been particularly long since the last preorder post, so let’s take a look at the figures I’ve either already preordered or am thinking hard about picking up. But first, I like to use these preorder posts just to talk about general life updates. My life is going pretty well for the most part – certainly the last sixteen months or so have reinforced how good I have it that I work in a relatively safe and secure job that affords me the opportunity to buy pervy girly figures and wristwatches. But that said, there is no reason to settle; having been vaccinated, I’ve returned to working in the office on a new project whose environs I don’t enjoy, and I’ve spent the last month contemplating looking for new opportunities. These thoughts have weighed me down some, hence the paucity of updates, but I’ve got some time this weekend and a backlog of photographs to edit. Unfortunately, none of them are hentai figures, which some have asked about. On the plus side, I’ve received in the last couple of months all of the remaining figures I ordered that had been trapped in Japan due to the limited shipping options available for much of the last year. I certainly have no shortage of figures to review, particularly R-18 figures.
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Preorder Outlook LXI

It’s been a while since we’ve taken a look at the figures I’m contemplating ordering so let’s do that now. First though, a few notes: first, I’ve historically done a Five Favorite Figures of the Year at the end of the year (or early on in the following year) but I won’t be doing one for 2020 because something like half the figures I bought are either trapped in Japan or are in the mail or on cargo ships and are hopefully not lost. If anyone’s curious, I think the figures that would have made that list include Native’s Fairy Queen Elaine and Chloe (though I’ve actually not heard great things about Chloe, which is unfortunate and disconcerting). FREEing’s Rindo Kobayashi might have also made the list, though I feel a little reluctant to laud any of their bunnygirl figures too highly since many of them kinda look the same after a while.

Also, I hope 2020 wasn’t too terrible a year for anyone reading this though I expect that for many, it was a tough year to get through. For me, I’m a little sorry to say that 2020 was actually a really good year; I’m now in a good position to achieve a lot of the goals I dreamed of completing five or six years ago (and no, I didn’t get in on any of the recent GameStop madness). It feels heartless for me to say that since so many people lost so much but I’m hoping that better times are close at hand for all of us.
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Preorder Outlook LX

It’s the end of the first month of a new year and it’s also preorder outlook time. First, though, a bit of administrative commentary: I usually do a post enumerating my five favorite figures of the previous year. I think I’m going to roll that into my site birthday post next month since I do not actually know yet what my five favorite figures of last year might be. As sad as it might sound, I haven’t actually opened most of the shipping boxes containing the figures that I purchased and thus haven’t actually looked at many of the figures I bought, and I feel I ought to actually consider them in person before I decide if they are amongst my favorites of the year.

I had intended to cut down spending on figures this year, but rising prices and the rampant proliferation of porno figures and 1/4 scale bunnygirls is severely testing the mettle of this resolution. Accordingly, it seems like many of the figures on this list are either lewd or are sporting leotards and cottontails.
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Preorder Outlook LIX

And it’s time for another preorder outlook. This list is shorter than I thought it would be, being that it’s been three months since the last post, but I really don’t mind considering that my bank account needs a break given the number of figures on my preorder list that are being released this month and next. I’m planning on photographing Olga Discordia in the next few days, just as soon as I can figure out where to put her, and I’d like to get some America-themed figures reviewed (perhaps Iowa and Ms. Marvel, amongst others) next weekend, being that it’s the Fourth of July holiday here in the United States. For now though, here’s a quick run-through of some of the figures I’ve got my eye on.
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Preorder Outlook LVIII

It’s been a while since the last post, and it’s been a great deal of time since the last preorder post, so it’s a good time to take a look at some of the figures I am considering preordering. It’s a long list and the unifying theme here is eye-watering prices, as figure and statue prices continue to rise unabated. Having recently resolved to upgrade my car within the next few years, this trend is sort of a problem but being that I don’t spend much money on other things, I guess I can deal with it.
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Preorder Outlook LVII

November has been a spectacularly unproductive month for me, for a variety of reasons, most of which stem from the fact that I am unrepentantly lazy. Regardless, it’s been a couple of months since the last preorder post so here is a list of figures that I am thinking of ordering. Unlike most of these lists, where I don’t actually order most of the figures I write about, I’m actually thinking of ordering almost everything on this list; the only one that might not be purchased is Asmodeus.

Reviews will resume very shortly, as I have a stack of figures that have arrived recently. First up will probably the one half-naked Gantz girl and I’ve also got a figure of a half-naked loli (and another girl who could pass for a loli) waiting next.

Also, I have quite a few 1/4 scale figures from FREEing – mostly bunnygirls from To Love-Ru and Muv-Luv, but also their Elizabeth Mably and Angela Balzac figures – and a few Western statues that I had planned to review but now am not sure if I will. I have the feeling that people are not that interested in them and I’m curious to know whether anyone would be saddened if did not review them. Throughout the lifetime of this site I’ve taken the stance that I plan to review every figure that I buy, but being that they seem not that popular, I wonder if that uncompromising principle may be outmoded.
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Preorder Outlook LVI

It’s been a couple of months since the last preorder post, so now is a good time to take a look at some of the figures I am thinking of preordering. It’s an eclectic list, with a few figures from some older properties, a variety of Native figures, a shipgirl, and oh yes, one girl with a penis. Let’s take a look.
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Preorder Outlook LV

First, a housekeeping note; I’ve enabled SSL on this website, in accordance with Google’s dictate that websites should now encrypt communications between host and client. I think this occurred without problems but if anyone notices any errors, I’d appreciate it if you’d drop me a line. Also, Wonder Festival was this past weekend and I don’t really do an impressions post, but occasionally people are curious as to what I thought about it, so I figured I’d post my feelings here in a stream-of-consciousness fashion: there sure were a lot of porno figures there. I really hope these STP figures aren’t too expensive since there’s a lot that I would like to own. A lot of these figures are emphasizing the ass of their respective characters, which is a nice change from the usual practice. Not that 2B figure from Flare, though; I guess it would have been too much to hope that REFLECT would’ve given her a little more definition back there. There’s not as much Kantai Collection stuff there as I thought there would be. Wasn’t the Kantai Collection anime supposed to get a second season? Oh no, I kinda want to buy another Ban! hermaphrodite figure, and I just sold off my first one. It’s an injustice to humanity that Cross Ange never got any figures. I was hoping someone would show off a new tentacle rape figure but I suppose not. No bestiality figures here either, which is a little disappointing; that felt like the next logical step given the sorts of figures we’ve gotten in recent times. There was at least that one figure of the girl with the torpedo inserted in her body; that was neat. I’m going to need to make more money.

Anyway, let’s look at some of the figures I’m thinking about preordering. I left a few off that I haven’t quite composed my thoughts on, like the Lechery figure in wrestling boots and the A+ figure of the blonde maid; I figure I’m behind on these posts so I’ll just save writing about them for next time.
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Preorder Outlook LIV

I haven’t done one of these posts (or any post, really) in a while so now is as good a time as any to take a look at some of the figures I’m considering preordering. A huge number of figures have gone up for preorder since the 53rd post so I’m going to limit the number of figures I write about here, as this post would otherwise be way too long.
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Preorder Outlook LIII

Happy Christmas everybody. The end of the year is usually a slow time for both figure releases and preorder launches. That’s highly beneficial for me being that my review queue is absurd and even if I decided to stop buying new figures, I’d have no shortage of material to photograph for years. Nonetheless, it’s been a few months since the last preorder outlook so let’s take a look at some figures I’m thinking of buying in 2018. I might squeeze in one more post – maybe the Kuroinu dakimakura cover post that I’ve been sitting on for a couple of months – before the usual five favorite figure post on New Year’s Eve (I think I’ve got my list set; I’m sure it will surprise no one to learn that it’s very heavy on hentai figures).
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