Tag Archives: rocket boy

Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei (NSFW)

Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei

We have for our examination today the latest and greatest from those inscrutable minds at Rocket Boy and Native. Unfortunately this lady has no name, being that she is simply given the title OSHITSUKE; doubtless lowbrow observers will snicker at the phonology but true collectors are certainly possessed of more refined sensibilities. Her sobriquet is perhaps more properly rendered as Oshitsuke Musume, which means something like Pressing Girl, which of course is basically what she is doing, at least in one of her poses. We will just call her Oshitsuke today, which doesn’t really make much sense but it’s not our fault that Rocket Boy did not give her the dignity of a name.
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Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry (NSFW)

Dva from the Melon Books Hermaphrodite Tapestry

Native has been so prolific that there are days where I get one of their figures in the mail and am not immediately sure what it is. This inundation of porno figures is of course due to them being not just a producer but also a distributor for a number of relatively new manufacturers, such as Rocket Boy – who are the minds behind the figure we’re looking at here, named Dva. This Dva unsurprisingly has no relation to the likely more-famous Dorito-gobbling teenaged mech jockey from Overwatch but is instead based off of an illustration done by Ban!. He’s a talented artist with an easily identifiable (and sometimes well-imitated) style – and a pronounced predilection for penises. That proclivity carries over to the figure, which indeed comes with not one, but two penises, both modestly and agreeably packaged in an opaque black baggy, which is where they will stay, at least in my collection. I try to provide a comprehensive overview of the figures I photograph but in this case – and in any other case where actual schlongs are depicted – we ain’t having that, and those interested in that sort of thing will need to go elsewhere to satisfy their curiosity.
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Slingshot Babe from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

Slingshot Babe from the Native Creators Collection

Ero figures are all the rage these days, and Native is amongst the best at producing them. They are apparently not the best at naming them, however, and so this girl is simply known as “Slingshot Babe.” This generic moniker is perhaps not nearly as off-putting as Compact Hog, but it’s still fairly impersonal.
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Marie from Shinazu no Himegimi (NSFW)

Marie from Shinazu no Himegimi

We’ll continue our exploration of hentai figures with this one, the debut product from the company Rocket Boy. Some depictions of vampires, demonesses, and succubi – such as Darkstalkers’s Morrigan and Viper GTS’s Carrera – present them as feminine, full-figured seductresses. This is obviously not one of those renderings.
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