Tag Archives: miu kanzaki

Photography Exercise – vmf50 Dolls (NSFW)

vmf50 Simone in a red dress with a guitar

This site is mainly about pictures of figures, and it’s also about pictures of pillowcases. However, it’s also about pictures of dolls and it’s been too long since I’ve posted anything about my doll collection. That absence is not for lack of new material – on the contrary, I’ve steadily acquired more doll things, and today is the day I choose to share them. It’s also the start of what will hopefully be a continuous – though probably occasional – series of posts in which I take pictures centered on a theme, with the idea that the post will be more about photography rather than about an individual doll or figure. This inaugural post is somewhat nebulous in range but future posts will be more narrowly confined, and I’ve got a bunch of ideas planned out.

While I’m being introspective … you know, this site is also supposed to be about eroge reviews but I’ve only ever posted one, and I don’t know if I’ll do any more. Most of the eroge I play are visual novels and it’s pretty tough to write anything meaningful about a game that you just click through all the way to the conclusion. But anyway, on to the dollie stuff.
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More vmf50 Stuff (NSFW)

Yamato vmf50 Miu and Risa

I mainly collect figures, and I don’t intend to switch over to collecting dolls or Figmas or whatever, but I gotta admit that those two things have a big huge advantage over the PVC stuff. Namely, you can pose them in pornographic positions. It’s hard as hell to do that with scale figures (though I’ve tried) and it’s one of the big reasons I buy dolls. I’ve got vmf50 Risa (who I renamed Simone) but well, doll pornography works best with two or more dolls; I guess doll masturbation is okay too but I keep an eye on my keyword stats and I don’t think anyone’s ever gotten to this site by searching for that. So with that in mind, I decided to get another vmf50 doll, and some other stuff.
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