Tag Archives: dcter

Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

The year 2024 has not given me an auspicious start, as I managed to come down with my first case of COVID a few weeks ago. Happily, the symptoms weren’t too serious aside from a crushing sense of fatigue and intermittent but persistent coughing spasms, both of which I still experience to some degree. But the more germane aspect of 2024 is that it is the Year of the Dragon, and as such the first review of the year is of a dragon girl. This particular girl is named Colidis and comes from an illustration drawn by the Chinese artist Citemer Liu, who is perhaps best known for his Overwatch, League of Legends, and Genshin Impact fan art. Colidis, however, is an original design of his and she apparently has two sisters, or compatriots at least, and I believe they’ll both be getting figures at some point. I’m looking forward to them since Colidis is a really spectacular and distinctive figure.
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