Tag Archives: bodysuit

Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

Colidis from the Art of Citemer Liu

The year 2024 has not given me an auspicious start, as I managed to come down with my first case of COVID a few weeks ago. Happily, the symptoms weren’t too serious aside from a crushing sense of fatigue and intermittent but persistent coughing spasms, both of which I still experience to some degree. But the more germane aspect of 2024 is that it is the Year of the Dragon, and as such the first review of the year is of a dragon girl. This particular girl is named Colidis and comes from an illustration drawn by the Chinese artist Citemer Liu, who is perhaps best known for his Overwatch, League of Legends, and Genshin Impact fan art. Colidis, however, is an original design of his and she apparently has two sisters, or compatriots at least, and I believe they’ll both be getting figures at some point. I’m looking forward to them since Colidis is a really spectacular and distinctive figure.
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Asuka Langley Shikinami from Neon Genesis Evangelion (Kotobukiya White Plugsuit Version)

Asuka Langley Shikinami figure

Looking at my pile of unreviewed Asuka figures – and it’s a sizeable pile – I wondered how long it’s been since the last time I’ve written a review of one of her figures. I couldn’t imagine it’s been that long; I have so many of them. Perusing the archives, I find that the last Asuka review I’ve done was written … thirteen years ago. I’m more than a little amazed and aghast that it’s been that long but I suppose there’s no time like now to rectify that. Accordingly, we’ll take a look at this figure of Asuka, which shows her as she appeared in the final Evangelion film. After so many figures depicting her in her iconic red plugsuit, the white suit is still a little jarring to me, but it can’t be denied that she fills it out just as well.
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Scathach from Fate/Grand Order (First Ascension Version)

Scathach from Fate/Grand Order

Continuing our look at non-pornographic figures (those reviews are coming … eventually. I did get a bunch of Native figures recently, so I have no shortage of lewd figures to cover), we’ll take a look at a figure that isn’t particularly new but that I received only relatively recently. This character is, of course, Scathach from the phone game Fate/Grand Order, and we’ve reviewed a couple of her figures here already so I think we can dispense with the usual biographical discussion. I would mention that, having weaned myself off of World of Warcraft thanks to its present state of putrescent decrepitude, I’m now a degenerate and inveterate gacha game player – but not once have I thought about playing FGO. I do still like the character designs, and I’ll admit that’s the only way that I want to enjoy the Fate franchise, but I’ve heard enough things about the game’s poor gacha rates to know better than to give it a shake.
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Scarlett from G.I. Joe (Bishoujo Version)

Scarlett from G.I. Joe

Unsurprisingly, virtually all of my preorders from the last two months have been delayed, and so I’ve only received one figure order in that time (a virtual cookie goes to whoever guesses which figure that might be). Therefore, we’ll take a look at Kotobukiya’s Scarlett, which came out last summer. I actually took these pictures shortly after receiving it, as this was a figure that I had been excited about since I saw Shunya Yamashita’s concept art the year prior. Growing up, G.I. Joe was one of my favorite cartoons – no surprise, as I spent much of my childhood on an Army base – and Scarlett was my favorite character. To say that I was eagerly anticipating this figure would be an understatement.
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Widowmaker from Overwatch

Widowmaker from Overwatch

Blizzcon is coming up soon and so now is an apropos moment to take a look at this statue of Widowmaker, one of the most prominent faces in Blizzard’s multiplayer first-person shooter Overwatch. I have not yet played Overwatch, being that it’s principally a multiplayer shooting game and the last title in the genre that I enjoyed playing against humans was Goldeneye. I much prefer to play shooters against the AI and my understanding is that Overwatch’s support for this mode of play is abysmal at best. Nonetheless, I’ve spent a large fraction of my life playing Blizzard games, and my re-subscription to World of Warcraft in late 2012 is the most significant factor in the downturn of posting frequency on this site. Therefore, it only seems equitable to take away from my MMO time to review this statue.
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Scathach from Fate/Grand Order (Plum Version)

Scathach from Fate/Grand Order

Once upon a time there was a porno game called Fate/stay night. It was very successful, spawning a vast multimedia franchise. Over the ensuing years, its naughty parts were quietly played down. It thus gained a reputation for presenting its plot with dignified, sober gravity, and this story was breathlessly analyzed by its many devotees across an uncountable number of internet posts. Some might label all that as being obnoxiously pretentious but nobody can deny that Fate/stay night is a transcendant title.

That said, no matter how fervent the fanbase, puritanical portrayals don’t move swag. Type-Moon is presumably aware of this, which might explain why the older (in franchise terms) version of Lancer got little love from goods manufacturers while Scathach and a number of new, sexed-up female characters from Fate/Grand Order are all the new hotness. It is perhaps a bit unseemly, but nobody can claim to be surprised, either.
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Sumika Kagami from Muv-Luv Alternative (Kotobukiya Version)

Sumika Kagami from Muv-Luv Alternative

For the first review of the year we’ll be going back eleven months with this figure of Sumika Kagami, one of the central heroines of the popular eroge Muv-Luv Alternative. She’s the third figure from this series to be produced by Kotobukiya, following lead girl Meiya Mitsurugi and a peculiar figure of Kasumi Yashiro in a skimpy bunnysuit. It’s possible that Sumika will be the last figure that Kotobukiya produces from the core science-fiction series, as it looks like they’ve moved on to the Carnelian-illustrated spinoff Schwarzesmarken, though who knows; they’re still producing model kits of the mecha from the game, so perhaps they’ll revisit Alternative someday. If not, at least Sumika is quite a nice figure to end the mainline run with.
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Yuria Misaki from Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (Yamato Girls Collection 03 Version)

Yuria Misaki from Space Battleship Yamato 2199

MegaHouse has released a number of figures of characters from Space Battleship Yamato 2199, and we’ll be looking at one of them today. Yuria was the third figure to be released in the Yamato Girls Collection series, and she is undoubtedly the easiest of them to procure, being that she went for around 2000 yen at Amiami and she’s still very cheap. I have to admit that the huge price cut she received colored my opinion of this figure to some extent, but having taken her out of her box, she really doesn’t look that bad and I’m not entirely sure why she got such a severe discount. At any rate, let’s take a look at her.
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Tomo Asama from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (Zudon Miko Version)

Tomo Asama from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere

As we’ve noted before, there aren’t that many figures of characters from Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, and those that do exist are mostly from relatively minor manufacturers. Fortunately, a couple of exceptions have been recently released: Alter’s Kazuno and Tomo Asama by Kotobukiya. This happiness is tempered by the realization that those two figures may be amongst the last figures from the series to be released (Wave has a Beach Queens Kimi Aoi scheduled to drop next month, and Volks is supposedly doing figures of Kimi and Kazuno, but who knows whether those will ever materialize). A sad state of affairs, that, and it appears that figure companies are moving on to the next big thing, such as Kantai Collection, which somehow feels a bit like it’s worn out its welcome before even having arrived. The only consolation is that if Tomo is the last Horizon figure to be made by a major figure company, she is at least a very fine one indeed.
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Inia Sestina from Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse (Eishi Strengthening Equipment Version)

Inia Sestina from Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse

Last year, we took a look at Kotobukiya’s figures of Yui Takamura and Cryska Barchenowa. A few months after those figures hit the market, Kotobukiya released a figure of Inia Sestina, which is what we’re looking at here. It appears that Inia closes out the series, which is unfortunate for fans of Tarisa Manandal, Stella Bremer, or Cui Yifei, who seem unlikely to get figures of their own, and I suppose I can also mention the male characters as well, who almost certainly will not ever get figures. It’s a mildly curious situation, as the various Muv-Luv Alternative series have always been accompanied by strong merchandising efforts, but those are just the breaks, I guess.
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