Tag Archives: 1/5.5 scale

Dame Valerie from the Art of Shinsuke Inui (NSFW)

Dame Valerie figure

We took a look at The Literary Type a couple of weeks back, but that wasn’t the only figure that Native released last month; they also shipped this figure, on the same day no less. This character is named Dame Valerie and is based on artwork done by Shinsuke Inue; it depicts a young female knight caught in a rather compromising position.
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diskvision EVE (NSFW)

Diskvision Eve Review

This post is unsafe for work. For school. For the library. If you get terminated, suspended, disciplined, or defenestrated as a result of viewing this post, I forswear any responsibility for what has happened, but I will point and laugh at you should I learn of your misfortune.
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