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Daiki Kougyo is known for manufacturing exorbitantly expensive figures, and at around $150, Eve is no exception to their modus. She seems to be an original creation, and I have no idea what Diskvision is or what it represents.
Clocking in at an impressive 1/5.5 scale, Eve comes scantily clad in a plastic bustier and panty, which really isn’t anything more than a waistband with a flap that covers her crotch. They are flimsy and look rather cheap, and I’m guessing that anybody that desires this figure – including myself – isn’t inclined to leave them on her. The wings on her legs are not removable, which I think is a shame; I don’t think they look all that great and they detract from the simplicity of the figure.
Getting straight to the point, Eve isn’t entirely anatomically correct; there is a small, nearly-indiscernable depression between her legs, as if the sculptor waffled as to whether how far he wanted to go and settled on a half-assed compromise.
Apart from that though, her sculpt looks fantastic. She has relatively realistic albeit slender proportions, and there are pleasing details such as the fold of flesh on her side as well as the lines of her rib cage. Her feet are somewhat large, particularly coming from a sculpting figure that mainly does anime figures, but I like big feet anyway.
Her base is a thin black disc. Plain, effective, no larger than it needs to be, it’s a pretty good base.
Paint is simple, clean, and attractive, and that’s how I’d describe the figure itself. There isn’t a great deal going on here; it’s a straightforward nude sculpture, without any frills or gimmicks. At its price point, it’d be reasonable to expect more, but I’m pretty happy with this figure; she’s huge and she looks great, and other than the one quibble mentioned above, there’s not much I can complain about.
I felt a bit like a pornographer taking these shots.
Two ladies with no reservations about going full frontal for the camera.
So sexy ! But I prefer with her clothes ^^” Nice shooting!
Thanks! Her top doesn’t actually have any way to attach to her body; it just sort of balances on her chest. It’s as if it wants to come off! I’d feel bad if I denied it its wish.
Haha im glad that im not the only one thats weirded out by the non existing female anatomy thats often apparent in no pantsu figures.
Yeah, it looks particularly strange since this is such a big figure. I’ve still only got one figure that’s, uhh, fully detailed down there.
Hello eve bought one just like it and she was with injection marks in the mud near the legs and ribs also has marks on his hair also has these marks? Will that my and recast?
I am not entirely certain what is being asked but I don’t think my figure has any marks like that. My version’s not a recast though; I know that E2046 did a prepainted recast and I am not sure how it turned out.
You may have a bootleg one. I’ve spent the past few hours scanning reviews and images of this model.
Only hit me upon checking prices that I paid roughly $30 for an item that has an RRP of $150.
The item itself seems identical except for the nipples.
See for yourself:
Password is “”
If someone can confirm this is a bootleg version i’d appreciate it.
Even so, for $30 I’m loving it!
I’m quite positive that mine is authentic; I bought it from Hobbylink Japan for 13,800 yen and I’ve never heard of them ever selling a bootleg. Bootleg Eves definitely exist though, since she was originally a resin kit before Daiki Kougyou produced this PVC version. Here’s some pictures of one bootleg. Looking at some stores, she seems to be selling now for around $150 to $400, so I’m pretty certain that any version of her that sells for $30 is fake.
Oh no, I wasn’t claiming yours was a bootleg. Was speaking to miela. My apolagies, i should have made that clearer.
Yes i’m fairly positive that mine is a bootleg. However it’s an extremely good one at that. I’m still not 100% positive it is a fake due to the quality. For $30 including shipping from hong kong to the UK i have no room for complaint when it’s only the nipples that appear wrong. If it really bothered me I could simply slap some paint on them and be done with it.
Guess I’d better do my homework on my next purchase or the next bootleg might not be to my liking.
Oh, whoops, my bad. Yeah, sometimes it can be pretty difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not; technically most of E2046’s products are bootlegs but their quality is often superior to the PVC figures they’re based off of. Sometimes it’s pretty easy to tell, like the famous Sader (I’m sure everyone’s seen it already but if you haven’t, go look it up on Google Images).
Gosh! What the hell is that thing?! My eyes are burning!
I had never heard of that… Sader thing 😛 (thanks btw ^^)
I also never expected some people could create (on purpose) such an atrocity… I mean… Who are they? And in why did they do this? Were they really expecting to sell it?
LOL oh that’s tragic.
Anyway i can tell mine is as the armbands and such are a dull brown and not the gold trim with slight detail, The nipples and the breast covering doesn’t fit against the body but rather sit on top of the breasts.
However I’ve had a half refund and got to keep the item.
Seems we have a similar taste in figures. I’m only just starting out so think I’ll take a look at E2046. Thanks for the tip.
No pictures of what’s “under”??? Hahahah!
Anyway, this is a fine model indeed. I prefer this kind of appearance and model quality compared to those with “big eyes” or moe types.
>> Steve
Have fun with your collecting! It’s a fun hobby. Expensive and really space-consuming, though.
>> Duckhams
I’ve noticed that there are a curiously large number of people who like the anime eyes but not the realistic eyes. I like both styles equally, myself … I’m waiting for Yamato to put out some more figures based on Luis Royo’s artwork, I don’t think those figures will appeal to many anime fans but I think they look pretty cool.
Nice post!
I just got this figure myself, however I am fairly sure that it’s a bootleg, considering the price.
I paid around $40 for my figure but the only difference I can find between your figure and mine is the colour of the bands around the arms. They’re like Steves with a colour kind of dull.. Brown.
I am pleased though, as it only is my second figure and I can’t find any big issues on it like Miela up there.
In the future though, I will try to do a little more research seeing as it is a lot more fun being able to say for sure that it’s not a bootleg.
Love your site btw, been skimming through it on and off for about two months now. Keep it up ^^
I was wondering where you buy things like these, if you could email me or something to that’d be awesome kThx ^.^
Assuming that this is a legitimate question, I usually buy figures from either Hobby Search or Amiami. I think I bought this particular figure from HLJ, though.
Yeah it is legitimate and I was wanting the one at the bottom, on the right in the picture where there is two of them. any ideas?
again Thx =3
Ah, you mean this one:
I managed to get mine some months ago off ebay. Currently there are two members on who are selling her. Best bet would be joining there and contacting them. One is in the US, the other has no location listed.
Yeah, I’m not really sure where to go about getting a new one. As Tom says, the secondary market would probably be your best bet, though I’d watch out for counterfeits.
Ha! I just now noticed that my base is larger than yours as well!
Oh well 😉
Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, Eve is probably one of the more common bootlegs out there since the model kit was out way longer than the PVC version has been. I usually try to go for the originals where possible but seeing as how most of my E2046 recasts are technically bootlegs, I’m not going to be throwing stones at glass walls.
Yo. I happen to have one like this… A friend of mine gave it to me as my birthday present… Now, the thing is… I want to know if what he gave me is legit or not. So, how do I know if mine is the real thing?
I’m not really sure. The easiest way would be to look at the box, if you got one; the figure comes in a big box with some outlined art of the figure and Daiki Kougyou’s logo. You can also examine the figure; if the paint is rough or sloppy or if it seems hand-painted, that’s a pretty sure sign that it’s fake.
Thanks… I see… so what about the fake one? does it also come in a box?
As for the Daiki logo, do you mean that simple word “DAIKI” on it? I’ll give pics at the box once I get the chance…
I have no clue; I assume that it would, and some of the bootlegs I’ve seen of other figures come in boxes that look identical to the manufacturer’s boxes. Yeah, Daiki’s logo just says “DAIKI”< sometimes in a blue oval but if I remember right, Eve's box just had the company name.
im loving the figure, i just purchased a bootleg, im pretty sure, cuz the arm color band is dull brown and the nipps are like orange, got mine for roughly 30 $ , since i been studying the pictures u guys shown here, but neweiz i really enjoyed it. hopin for more of eve.
Yeah, that’s probably a bootleg; the price pretty much gives it away. This figure is also pretty hard to come by; I don’t think I’ve seen it recently even on the secondary market.
who is that girl on the bottom picture?
That is Lala, an Orchid Seed figure from a few years back. She comes from an illustration from the Comic Aun magazine; I don’t know if there’s anything more to her character than that.
I live in South Africa and had to import through a third party as I have no credit card, and the $60 or so at Amazon was nothing compared to what the shark bit off me, but gee whizz, guys, she is the prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen! Like wow, man! Far-out fantastic! Gorgeous to the extreme! I;m in love! I can hardly touch her for fear of hurting her! She is just the cutest loveliest sexiest wonderfulest.prettiest thing and what is money compared to that? I would like to know the origin of the figure, though. I thought she’s from EVE NO JIKAN and downloaded that, but there is no such a dancer in there, no matter what Google or YouTube says. Kindly contact
just ordered one on ebay. not sure if it is bootleg or not. (probably is)
warning signs:
-it was $40
-its coming from HK
positive signs:
-seller seems very concerned about their reputation. has many sales under their belt with no mention of selling bootleg products. other sellers have a lot of negative comments saying, ‘ITS A FAKE’. [insert DS9 reference]
-seller has many pictures of the item, itself. not some manufacturers picture that could be ripped off of the internet.
-it comes with an original box. (in poor condition)
[crosses fingers]
while it looks like i bought something that is good quality, the possibility of it being fake irks me a little. in the sad and likely event this is a bootleg, does anyone have recommendations on were and how to get an original? i am willing to buy used if it is in good condition.
also, i am very interested in these more realistically styled figures. i have never seen anything like this before. that is why i jumped on it. can anyone point me in the direction of similar figures done in this realistic style?
Yeah, in all likelihood that’s a fake, unless it were a damaged, pre-owned item, but I’d imagine getting an authentic figure would be nearly impossible at this point. I’d guess your best bet for a real one would be looking at secondary market, particularly Mandarake, Amazon JP, or Rakuten. (Checking Mandarake just now, they have the blonde Eve, though she ain’t cheap.)
The sculptor of this figure is D-zou of Diskvision, and Daiki Kougyou and Dragon Toy have since adapted several more of his designs into mass-market PVC figures. I really like his Iroha figure; it’s not too popular but it’s one of my favorites. Unfortunately, most figures in this hobby are anime-style, though a few sculptors like Chorosuke (he did this Uesugi Kenshin figure) tend to be more realistically-styled. Figures of Western properties tend to be more realistic too, but sometimes their quality and detail do not impress.
great information. im looking at D-zou’s work right now. very impressive. that is exactly what i was looking for.
it looks like i will be eating instant ramen for the next few months…
its fake T_T
Yeah, that’s not really that surprising; like almost everything Daiki Kougyou produces, it was originally a model kit, and it’s pretty easy to make knockoffs of model kits.
i accidentally stumbled upon your site because recently i thought of buying a few pvc statues but never knew bootleg stuff existed i.e fake stuff
i heard you mentioned the site “” I was wondering is it true that you said all the stuff there is bootleg? and also you said sometimes they are far superior to the original pvc figures, why is that? are the prices expensive and worth it? the eve statue is sold out on that site
they sell fake stuff on ebay, but they admit its a from a different manufacturer and not a import from japan but made in china, are these fakes worth it if a) the genuine stuff can’t be found b) worth the savings? i.e is it worth being a tight ass??
p,s do you have a facebook version of this site?
Well, the stuff listed under “Gathering” and “Antihero” definitely are; they are recast versions of garage kits and PVC figures, respectively. Their ORI figures are original, designed by their own sculptors (of copyrighted characters, admittedly, but that’s pretty much par for the course).
Gee, did I say “far superior”? I guess that is occasionally the case, though if I said that, I’d probably retract that now; they are generally pretty good, but they do look different from the original figures because of their painting techniques (among other things, they tend to provide a glossier skin tone than most PVC figures do). One case where one of their products was superior to the PVC version was with gangsta lean Saber (or more formally, Daiki Kougyou’s Real Arrange 003 Saber), as the PVC version lacked removable clothing, has an unusually strange glossy skin tone (perhaps the shiniest skin I’ve ever seen on a PVC figure), and had a stretched-out neck, for some reason or another.
Umm, I guess I can’t really advise you on that last part. I have this belief that one shouldn’t take one’s ethics from some random dude with a website, so I try not to preach from here. It’s really up to you. For my part, I can say that there have been occasions where I really wanted a figure but could not get it anywhere else (generally model kits, not PVC figures), and I bought the E2046 version and did not regret it one bit.
Nope, no Facebook version of this site, I haven’t used Facebook since I left college, and that was almost a decade ago now.
Was finally able to obtain an original of this figure after buying a bootleg one and I have to say that the word beautiful is not enough to describe this figure compared to the bootleg one, I also bought a bootleg one just for comparison for around 40$ and bought the original one for around 400$ the quality even just from looking outside the box and the packaging is already very different from one another such as: the original one has a “DAIKI” round tape as well as the figure is wrapped around a soft plastic and has a special barcode unlike bootlegs that only use regular tapes for packaging and the figure is not protected by a soft plastic inside, plus the cover art of the figure behind the box is more clearer in the original one. As to the comparison to the figure itself the original one has more details and proper shading around her body and her lips are a little bit pink as well as her nipples unlike the bootleg having less detail,paint imperfections and lots of seam lines on the bootleg at her right boob and her nipples are a bit orange, hair as well as at her left arm until the waist plus the dull brown arm bands and accessories. Overall I give this figure a 10/10 and worth every money despite its price.
Congrats on acquiring this figure! It’s definitely a nice one. I don’t know what the bootlegs look like but I know the PVC figure is very nice indeed. It doesn’t surprise me that the bootleg you describe has those problems, though; that seems to be fairly typical of fakes.
what anime is this from thank you