Dakimakura Review – Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss (NSFW)

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

We took a look at Yukino a few days ago; today, we’ll take a look at her vivacious castmate Misaki Haruhino.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

Misaki is, of course, from the ero game Hotch Kiss. Her artwork appears to be done by Akemi Mikoto; I thought that that might be a female artist but he identifies himself as a male on his Pixiv profile. Both Mikoto and fellow Hotch Kiss artist Marui will be handling art duties for Giga’s upcoming game Kiss Bell, along with an artist named Takeioki, who has published doujinshi under the circle name Ties.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

This pillowcase measures 160 centimeters by 50 and is made of stretchy two-way tricot. It was sold through Giga’s online webshop at the same time as Yukino’s dakimakura cover. A look at Giga’s webpage indicates that they aren’t going to be showing off dakimakura covers for Nana or Shizuku, the other two main girls in the game, at Comiket, although it’s possible that they might show up on the webshop later on.

Misaki’s game artwork and her Getchu-provided character description indicate that she’s a lively, spirited girl, and that’s how she’s depicted here. The front side of the pillowcase shows her beaming despite her school uniform’s obvious disarray.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

It also shows her tugging her skirt down despite its apparent inadequate length. The image is very cute and Misaki’s warmth and playfulness seem to supersede its eroticism.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

That’s not so on the reverse side, which is quite a bit more saucy. While Yukino’s dakimakura cover showed her shyly revealing just her chest, Misaki’s pillowcase renders her completely nude.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

Like most official dakimakura covers, this pillowcase doesn’t show anything too naughty; doujin dakimakura cover makers often have no compunction against showing body orifices but on this pillowcase, Misaki’s bowtie obscures those parts. Still, one can’t really say that much of Misaki is left to the imagination.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

Misaki has a great-looking butt. I like both images featured on this pillowcase, but I definitely prefer this side. Both dakimakura covers of the Hotch Kiss characters are great, but I like Misaki’s better, just because of her fantastic ass.

Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss Dakimakura Review

Permit me to digress for a moment from the subject of pillowcases. When I started this site, I meant for it to be more of a personal website rather than being completely focused on product reviews. I intended to use the “Random Thoughts” category to write about my thoughts and the things going on in my life, but I don’t really use it that often. Thus, since writing – and reading – about a pillowcase can be a bit dull, I’m going to indulge myself and write a quick list of random thoughts I’ve had over this past week:

1. Walking around DC the other week, there were so many people speaking Spanish or Mandarin that as an English-speaker, I felt like a minority. Let’s disregard that I actually am a minority.
2. If you don’t have kids, you never feel older than when you’re around your friends’ kids.
3. Walking around DC the other week, carrying around a two-pound DSLR with a zoom lens hanging off of it was a massive pain in the ass. Then again, I got a smaller, (somewhat) pocket-sized camera for carrying around whenever I didn’t want to haul the DSLR with me, but whenever I used it, I always missed my big camera and wished I had it with me instead.
4. I probably ought to join the 21st century and get a smartphone already.
5. Mafuyu deserves way better than this.
6. Shoujo Senki Brain Jacker 2 is looking pretty great so far.
7. I think I draft seventh in my fantasy football league, and at that spot, I don’t think there are any running backs that I want to take in the first two rounds, and I’m pretty sure that’s going to doom my playoff chances before the season even starts.
8. I tend to dismiss Twitter as vapid and insubstantial (probably because that’s the way I use it), but poking through it today, I noticed that for some mysterious reason, “Best Buy” was trending. I clicked it to see what that was about and learned that Marcus Miller has a new album out that’s only $8 at Best Buy. I guess Twitter can be useful every now and then.
9. When one pays over a hundred dollars for a doll-sized bondage harness, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate one’s priorities. I’m sort of thinking that if I plan to buy doll clothes, I ought to look at that 150 centimeter body that Obitsu showed off, just because shopping for clothes will be both easier and cheaper.
10. Life would be so much better if Toranoana shipped internationally.

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36 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Misaki Haruhino from Hotch Kiss (NSFW)

  1. Shashin says:

    Heh, starting with your random thoughts, I have to say that there is absolutely no reason to rethink your life priorities; a doll bondage harness is a purchase that no one should go without in their life. I agree wholeheartedly with points 10 and 5. As for Twitter, I almost exclusively use it for dakimakura related things; it’s actually really handy for finding covers since a lot of artists will post their work there well before it ever makes it to the blog. I’ve also had some moderate success talking with artists/circles, and if it can slowly open up the door to get them shipping internationally/dealing with international customers in a more direct manner, then I’m all for it. The character limit is something I could do without.

    I really do like this cover a lot. I might pick it up myself after the Comiket rush dies down a bit; I’ve seen her on Mandarake for reasonable prices and I’ve seen her even cheaper on YJA, but I’d have to factor in proxy fees to see if it would be worth it. Her ass on the backside is my favorite part, as well.

    Man, I was fairly happy that my C82 cover list was fairly short and had some clear priorities, but circles always like to do those last minute announcements. Before I wanted Anko’s Kimi and the Fatalpulse cover; I figured that would eat up near all of my budget because I expect Kimi to fetch a high price and I have no idea how Fatalpulse’s work will sell, but I expect it to be similarly expensive. And then Argyle had to release a Kan’u that looks fantastic and Marks has some teaser images up. I’ve wanted a cover of the green haired chick from Pretty Cure (apparently her name is March) since I first laid eyes on her; I was originally going to go with Sengendo’s, but it was a bit too tame for me. HOP’s is excellent, and I seriously debated it but the order closed today; I didn’t want to tie up my limit with Comiket right around the corner. It’s only a face shot of one side (I’m assuming she gets her own cover and isn’t sharing it with the other face they released), but I really like the expression and Marks always delivers on quality and explicitness. So assuming I can get it for a reasonable price by Marks standards, I’m still way over my planned budget. There were some others that I’d like to pick up, but a lot of them I expect to get a web release at some point or another.

    • willowywicca says:

      @Shashin What’s this Kan’u cover you speak of? I don’t recall seeing any…

      Random Thought 2 is soooooo true.

      I never understand why a big company like Toranoana doesn’t ship internationally too. Sure they may need to hire a few more people who can communicate in english to customers but they can surely afford that initial investment and stand to make hugely many more sales from having a vastly larger market.

      • Tier says:

        I have zero idea if this is off-base but I wonder if they think that they might get hassled if they do ship overseas. I’ve noticed a lot of people seem to think that doujinshi equals pornography; perhaps they are concerned that having shipments seized by a foreign government would inflict bad publicity on them. This seems like a really silly explanation, but I remember that HOP responded to one of Shashin’s tweets, and after running it through a machine translator, I noticed it seemed to say something about underage pornography. I also remember that Hobby Search shut down international sales of pornographic items; that was probably in response to Paypal’s policies, but they haven’t brought them back even though they accept credit cards once again.

        • Shashin says:

          Yeah, they actually more specifically stated once ” Thank you for visiting my website.But i’m deeply sorry that i haven’t ship my goods to foreign country because of a customs.” in English. So I’d imagine that’s the case for other circles too. But maybe with some time we can convince them to sell anyway.

        • willowywicca says:

          HS also removed their dakimakura selection for a while, but did restore it later on too. And they do now stock a variety of items which are tagged as “This item cannot be purchased with PayPal.” which previously they had removed. So some of the removed items were due to paypal issues. But as you say, the items tagged as R18 on the japanese site sometimes do not turn up on the english one (but some definitely do… so it’s a bit weird and arbitrary). In particular, one of the recent non-loli CranCrownBlack covers isn’t on the english site, but a loli takumimakura one is so I really have no idea why…

          Never understood why other countries’ customs would stop someone, you just add in the usual disclaimer of anything that happens at customs is not the seller’s responsibility… Oh well, hopefully over time things will gradually improve.

          • Shashin says:

            Yeah, Hobby Search is really weird when it comes to adult items. They pretty much just have the Paypal disclaimer for show; I used Paypal for every single “adult” item I’ve purchased from them. They’ve gotten better in recent months, but they still don’t list nearly as many adult items as they should. For quite awhile, they wouldn’t list any borderline ero dakimakura but they’ve laxed up a bit there. Overall, they’re very inconsistent about it.

            I think it’s probably more of an image thing. They technically couldn’t get in trouble for it and whatever falls upon the buyer is their own responsibility, but there was that whole big controversy with Rapelay a few years back; outside pressure for a game that was marketed and sold exclusively in Japan, and yet the foreigners managed to get it pulled from the shelves permanently. Why individual artists choose not to sell internationally is anyone’s guess, but similar controversies probably factor in somehow for most.

          • Tier says:

            Yeah, I’m not sure what criteria they are using; I had to order the Imari figure from Amiami because Hobby Search does not offer it on their international site. Admittedly, it’s one of the more lewd figures out there but they stocked Kaori Saeki from the same manufacturer and from the same series and I bought it from them with no issues.

            Hobby Search also has a full array of ero manga and eroge available on their Japanese site; it used to be up on their English site, if I remember correctly, but it’s been absent since they started taking Paypal. The tabs are still up there on the Japanese site, though.

    • Tier says:

      I just hope it fits (technically, I guess it’s more of a swimsuit than a harness); the doll I hope to put it on is very buxom and I’m having a tough time finding clothes for her.

      Yeah, one thing I was sorta thinking about is mentioning artist names if I do a product review of something where I know the creator’s Twitter handle, just to see if they respond back. I don’t think that many Japanese artists or anime goods companies are too concerned with the overseas market, so hopefully doing so might make it easier to get their stuff, as you say.

      I was looking into getting the Kimi cover and then I noticed that Anko Koubou’s stuff seems to start at 15k yen, and my interest diminished a bit. I might look around later but I’m feeling my doll purchasing impulse gaining strength, and that stuff is expensive as hell (seriously, one pair of doll boots costs more than the shoes I buy for myself). I’m also buying some stuff for Saber, who ought to be getting released this month; it feels really dumb to buy doll clothes that I think I might use once (when I photograph her), being that I’ll probably leave her in her blue dress and armor, but that’s nothing new for me.

      • Shashin says:

        Yeah, I’ve started reaching out to a few artists and have gotten replies back. I’m not going to flat out ask them if they’ll start selling to overseas customers, but I’m at least trying to let them know that they have a fan base outside of Japan.

        I’ve started started taking more shots and posting them for people who aren’t really into the hobby to see, but so far I haven’t included the artists names. While I’d like to show them that they have a foreign fan base, I also don’t want to scare them off. A lot of people in the hobby, both artists and reviewers alike, seem to be terrified of bootleggers. I’m speculating that it’s the main reason why you see such poor quality sample images a lot of the time, and though it varies from circle to circle, some don’t post more than a head shot of their newest cover. Similarly, most reviewers seem to censor the naughty bits on their covers and while that’s probably to comply with censorship laws, I’d also think it’s to make it harder to bootleg. I’d imagine that any circle who’s on the more extreme side of this end would be a little peeved if they pull up a foreigner’s post who has all of their art with high quality and uncensored images available. But that could just be me being paranoid; I’d like to think that artists would be more flattered than anything that they have some foreign fans.

        Yeah, Anko Koubou is just a really popular circle. The few times they’ve done a web reception, their stuff retailed from 12-15k depending on the material (P80 is more expensive than other manufacturers when it comes to 2WT), but most of their event covers are 2WR, which they usually charge 12-13k for. The secondhand market just drives that up like crazy, with Miku and their Shana cover being two of the more extreme examples. I’ve managed to get a few over their covers at a decent price, but the majority have been over the 17k mark on YJA. I really wish they’d do more web orders, but for whatever reason they choose not to. Still, I want Kimi a lot and I’m sadly prepared to spend a good chunk of change for her.

  2. azn0will says:

    WHAT A CUTIE!!!! =3 Meow to her!

    I would NOM NOM her all day any day!

  3. Kimidori says:

    can you review the Dakimakura of Asuna from Sword Art Online when it out?

    • Tier says:

      Uhh, which one? I know of at least a few, and while I’d really like to get the one by Matsuryuu, I’m not sure if it’s going to be sold on the web. I hope it is, and I hope it’s as good as I imagine it to be.

  4. nagisa says:

    I think this is one of the best dakis I’ve seen here. She’s just perfect, not too lewd or modest. Having that cute face of her is a great plus too, although she looks like Tomoe Mami from afar.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, she does kind of have that drill hair look, and Mami always seems to have the same sort of peaceful smile, too. Well, except maybe at one certain time, I would expect. Maybe I should toss it on the pillow body, it’s about time for a new pillowcase, I think.

  5. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    Consolidating replies here since it’s easier … yeah, I think that the Rapelay thing and subsequent backlash inflicted a lot of damage on the psyche of a lot of Japanese retailers and content creators (random aside: I recently saw Rapelay mentioned in an otherwise-good article about female character archetypes in video games. I do not understand why Rapelay is cited so often as an example of how female characters are negatively portrayed in video games. It’s a porn game; of course female characters are negatively portrayed. Using Rapelay as an example is like bringing up Debbie Does Dallas in a serious essay on female portrayals in mainstream cinema.). I can’t really blame them; I’d bristle too if, for example, some overly self-righteous foreigners launched a crusade to ban American football in the US because of the perceived violence and risk of brain injury. I’d also guess that Japanese artists aren’t that interested in the overseas market; there’s a big language and cultural barrier there, not to mention the additional effort required to engage people from other countries. Video game makers in both Japan and the US seldom show much interest in appealing to the other side; it doesn’t surprise me that a dakimakura-making circle wouldn’t care, either. (That said, being that such circles often consist of just one or a few people, I would guess it’s a lot easier for overseas customer to show support than it would be for, say, a group of American video game players to try to get The iDOLM@STER localized in English.)

    Yeah, I don’t doubt that dakimakura makers are very wary of bootleggers. Heck, I have no commercial interest in running this site and it still annoys the hell out of me when my pictures and posts get ripped off. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve reduced the full-sized images of my dakimakura pictures; I’ve also been thinking of degrading the images in some manner to deter people from taking the pictures and making bootlegs from them. It sounds stupid and bewildering but I’ve actually been asked by more than one person to provide pictures for them to go print off bootlegs and custom printing shops.

    • Shashin says:

      On a semi-related tangent, I was taking a Composition class when that whole Rapelay controversy was going on, so I did what any decent individual would do. I wrote a paper on why the controversy was bullshit and wasn’t the big deal that the media was hyping it up to be. I don’t know if I still have it somewhere and if I found it, I would probably think it was a shitty paper… but I got an A on it, so I’m not sure if the professor actually read it. >_>
      I think the small size of most circles might also factor into the reason they’re so unwilling to deal with international customers; they probably already have a good deal of work set out for them; to set up the necessary systems to support international order would be an added pain to an already tedious process.

      Bleh, that’s just really disheartening. I like sharing dakimakura covers with people because it’s a hobby I enjoy and I think they’re just too cool not to share. But even if you’re not out to make a profit, to have your work stolen just isn’t cool. And really, if people want to buy bootlegs, I think that’s their choice. I don’t agree with it myself, but it’s a more viable option to most people than paying $200 for one case. Even then, to actually ask you to take pictures so that they can get a bootleg out of it… that’s just absurd, especially since I imagine it’s just coming from random people you don’t really know.

      • azn0will says:

        Bootleggers make me angry :O

        @Shashin if you still have that Rapelay controversy paper you wrote I’d like to read it 😛 Don’t worry I won’t criticize…too much. lol.

      • Tier says:

        Some irrational part of me wishes I’d majored in history like I had thought of doing; I would’ve had a much quicker path to graduation and would’ve had a much better GPA. But I guess I probably wouldn’t have a job now.

        Yeah, I know a lot of private sellers (for various things) don’t like selling internationally. I’ve had to ship things internationally on occasion and it seems like a bit more of a pain than shipping domestically. It’s something I will have to think about soon since I’m intending to sell some figures and stuff soon, and it’s possible that someone who buys my stuff might be outside the US.

        Yeah, it’s pretty annoying, but once stuff is up on the web, there’s not a lot I can do to control it. Curiously, the person who asked me for some pictures to make a bootleg pillowcase used to post frequently here. It’s a major reason why I have no regrets that he no longer does so.

        • Shashin says:

          I’ve taken way too long to decide what I wanted to do; I’ve been in school a few years now and am not really that much closer to a degree. I have all my core classes out of the way, but practically nothing towards the current degrees I’m thinking of. Hopefully the time taken will translate into finding something I really enjoy the first go around, but it’s still fairly depressing to know that it will take me 5-7 years total to get a 4 year degree.

          I’ve probably sold off a good 30-40 figures in the past two years. I’d say about 10-15 of those sales were to international buyers. All of the transactions have gone relatively smoothly, but it is a bit more of a hassle than it need be. The customs form isn’t too intensive, but international shipping from the US is absurdly expensive; I really got to hand it to Japan Post for keeping their shipping rates as low as they are. Shipping a dakimakura cover via our version of EMS would cost me a minimum of $40 depending on where it was going, but the estimates I made were averaging $60. I do most of my shipping via Priority, and the average figure seems to cost about $40 to ship internationally.

          Luckily I haven’t seen any of my pictures ripped and posted elsewhere yet, but I’m not running a website and I haven’t posted that many pictures. I have a fairly irrational dislike for bootlegs, but if people want to buy them I think that’s their choice. However, I really wouldn’t want to see any of my pictures/covers contribute to the creation of a bootleg.

  6. Aaron says:

    I like the Yukino one better. I think Yukino’s front side image is better than Misaki’s. I do like the way she is cocking her hip in the image, but I would have preferred to see her wearing her underwear on the front rather than pulling the skirt down to cover herself up.

    While I like her majestic ass on the rear side I don’t like the rest as much as I like the reverse image of Yukino. I think the underwear is an interesting way to be done though. I like that the artist turned them around so that we could see what they do look like.

    While I really like both of the covers, I have to give the slightest edge to Yukino.

    Some comments on your random thoughts…

    4. Smartphones are for chumps. I am holding out as long as I can
    7. 7th out of how many? With a 10 team league you should have some great wrap-around. With a 12 person league you should still have some solid picks. I find that leagues are heavily based off of location, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you can get a good RB and/or QB at 7.
    9. Are doll clothes made that well that they cost so much?

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I think Yukino’s front side is cuter than Misaki’s. I would’ve liked to see Yukino’s pillowcase get a front/rear view setup rather than two front views, but I think both pillowcases look great.

      My main aversion to smartphones is less ideological (though I have a thing against Apple and have no desire to get an iPhone, even though my most favorite computer I’ve used might’ve been the Apple II+ we had when I was a kid) and more because I’m a cheapskate. I looked up the price of data plans and I was like OMG. Then again, all my friends have smartphones (of course) and they seem like really handy things to have when you need them.

      The league I am in has twelve members and I’m assuming everyone is returning. Yeah, I’m hoping to get a good quarterback; the only running backs that seem like safe picks are Rice, Foster, and McCoy and I highly doubt any of them will be there when I pick, so I’m hoping to get Tom Brady or Drew Brees or something. I suppose there’s also a chance I could get Adrian Peterson; I don’t know if he’s healthy but if I don’t get an RB in the first round, I doubt I’ll get one until the third round (since I might be tempted by a WR or even TE in the second), and twelve games or so of All Day seems like a better proposition than drafting DeAngelo Williams or something.

      Nah, doll clothes usually aren’t actually made all that well; they’re just really expensive because of small production runs (and they could be all hand-made). I’m planning a few doll posts in the near future, with some pictures of some of the new doll clothes I’ve got, my new big-ass doll, and big-ass Saber, who should be dropping this month.

  7. azn0will says:

    Out of curiosity–where can I get her?

  8. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    I got stuck with engineering after enrolling. I originally planned to major in CS but upon arriving at the school, I found out that enrollment was capped due to demand and spaces would be allotted through a calculus test. I bombed the test badly (the only reason I did well in high school calculus was because of my TI-82, and my school did not allow calculators) and was forced to declare an alternate major. Since I was already stuck in engineering, I declared EE. It worked out okay for me, apart from flunking out twice, and looking back, I’d say I enjoyed it a lot (apart from the flunking out, I mean; that was quite painful).

    I once had to ship a busted flashgun back to China for replacement. Being both a moron and a newbie when it comes to shipping stuff, I put the flash into a Priority Mail box and handed it to the post office guy, who assumed I wanted to send it via International Priority. It would up costing me $40, which was 60% of the cost of a brand-new, working flashgun. I should’ve just sent it by the cheapest method. Or fixed it myself.

    I am pretty surprised that this pillowcase is being sold at both Amiami and HS. The character looks pretty young, a lot younger than I would be comfortable with, I think. Of course, I say this having just ordered a doujinshi featuring To-Love Ru’s Mikan doing this and that with some sort of monster.

    • Aaron says:

      I saw that cover today. To be honest I am weirded out by it. Not only does she look really young, but they didn’t put the normal bars over her nipples like they do with figures.

      • Tier says:

        Yeah, it’s really not my thing, either. Though I wonder what the “visual fan book” is about.

        I’ve noticed Amiami is at times inconsistent with how they censor nipples; there are some figures (like Daiki Kougyou’s) where they are not censored. The same seems true with some of their dakimakura covers; they appear to be less strict about it than Hobby Search.

        • willowywicca says:

          The visual fanbook would be the usual kind of book they release for games/anime, with various pictures of game CG and maybe some of the official promotional pictures.. and then some character stats, plot descriptions, maybe interviews with seiyuus etc… Chara-ani have done similar dakimakura + visual book combinations at least two times before (both Moonstone Cherry games iirc). I did pick up the Imouto Paradise – Nanase Rio cover as seen here: http://www.figure.fm/post/en/32593/Dakimakura+Collection+10.html

          And yeah I’ve always thought you were somewhat of the lolicon persuasion Shashin, though obviously with tastes outside it too. *Shrug* doesn’t matter to me what your 2D interests are, everyone’s free to like what they like. There’s been a few loli-ish covers I’ve liked too, though they’re definitely in the minority for me.

    • Shashin says:

      Heh, I remember you saying that you ended up going with a branch of Engineering but I didn’t recall which branch. EE is currently what I’m leaning towards most. Glad to hear that it mostly worked out, though I’m a little worried now that you mention flunking out twice; that’s definitely something I’d rather avoid if I can.

      That’s hurts and I know exactly how it feels. I once ordered a few cases of 5 Hour Energy on ebay a few years ago. The seller sent the wrong brand, and I offered to recover return shipping if I could upgrade to the Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy, which would have been about $20 more via auction. The seller agreed and I hit up the post office. He had shipped it in the large flat rate box which had a going rate of about $16 at the time, so I didn’t bother repackaging it. The post office lady charged me $40, because apparently you can’t reuse Priority Mail flat rate boxes. I was too lazy/stupid to repackage it in a new box, so I ate the $40.

      That was my exact thought when I saw it pop up on Hobby Search. I figured it would pop up on AmiAmi with their more recent willingness to include adult items, but HS was a definite surprise. I get a lot of flak from fellow hobbyists I talk to on a regular basis for being a bit of a lolicon, which is certainly true to an extent I guess; I do have a great preference for a smaller bust size and a general preference for other traits that seem to interact with loli characters. So because I tend to like a lot of loli type characters, I guess that would put me in that group, but I have to say that this cover does not appeal to me in the least. Mikan on the other hand…

      • Tier says:

        EE was pretty hard, though given my terrible work ethic and habit of procrastinating, I would’ve struggled in any engineering or other technical major. I’d say that I enjoyed it, though, particularly after I got through the intro classes, which is where I had the most trouble. I somehow got through the intro digital logic class without knowing what a multiplexer does.

        Ouch, that is a big fee for reusing a box. I wonder why they won’t let you re-use a box? It’s not like they charge you anything for taking one (I think I would’ve gotten out of line, grabbed an empty box, and repackaged my stuff right there).

        Ha, you, a lolicon? You don’t say! I never did say anything about it (at least, I don’t think I did), even though lolis aren’t really my thing. I don’t have much interest in judging anyone, though; everyone’s got their thing, and if someone’s kink happens to be young-looking nonexistent cartoon characters, that’s better than being fond of something like taking little kids into a shower facility at a university.

        • Shashin says:

          Yeah, that’s my main worry. I’ve absolutely breezed through just about every class I’ve taken so far at the community college, with a very minimal amount of effort. I’m worried that once I get into the harder classes I’ll still be in my extremely lazy frame of mind, and will likely have a good deal of trouble until I figure out how to adjust. It took me awhile to land on Engineering and there really isn’t any way to know if it will be for me until I start taking classes, but all of my favorites this far have been on the Science/Math side of things, so it seems like a natural fit.

          Yeah, that’s what I should have done. I wasn’t really familiar with shipping at all at the time, so I didn’t know any better. I figured I had hit a weight cap or something. Of course, the post office lady wasn’t very helpful and didn’t say I could have just used a new box at the cheaper price.

          Heh, do I really seem like that much of one? D: I don’t mind lolis every now and then, and there are some that I really like (Evening Call’s Rin is excellent) but I just prefer a smaller bust size. But yeah, not even the most twisted fantasy could compare to something along those lines.

          • Tier says:

            That was pretty much my mindset when I started college, that it’d be as easy as high school. Then I got my ass kicked freshman year and flunked out. I’m glad I made it through, though, since I’d still be unemployed if I majored in history, which is my favorite academic subject. Plus, my job is pretty slack so I can now be lazy while still getting paid.

            You do! Okay, it’s not difficult to make that assessment when one looks at your collection, but I would not say that you seem like one. I’ve noticed that loli fans and partisans of flat-chested characters tend to be more vocal about their preferences than other people but I don’t recall you ever expressing such in such a manner.

          • Shashin says:

            Yeah, I haven’t taken any Engineering classes yet, which is probably why I’m still having a fairly easy time. Hardest classes I’ve probably taken are some general chemistry courses and Calculus, but those weren’t too bad. I guess Japanese would be the most difficult I’ve taken, since going in with the “I don’t need to study” attitude doesn’t work really well with a language. Other than that, it has been a fairly successful method, so I really hope I’m able to adjust once I start taking the Engineering classes.

            I don’t think my collection is all that loli heavy, though I do have a fair amount of loli characters. I think it’s mostly because of the circles I like; Anko, Marks, and B&W Store have all done a fair amount of loli work. I like the art style of Marks and Anko and buy pretty much everything they offer, and the B&W Store covers I buy are usually because they’re exceptionally explicit.

            I don’t mind flat chests, though I do like some boobs. I just generally dislike the massive boobs that we tend to see on most covers, which is unfortunate because there seems to be a very fine line between having small boobs and being a loli.

  9. Wolfheinrich says:

    Misaki is definitely a hot babe in my opinion, one of the google+ accounts I follow posted a cute picture of Misaki on his timeline and I have been wondering about her since then even though I haven’t been following ero games as closely as I used to. The day you posted pic of this dakimakura was the the last straw the broke my back! I immediately search for more information about Misaki, bid on the daki and the game and played it (as usual). Misaki is exactly like you envisioned, she is very pretty, athletic, and is quite popular among both male and female students. She also has a tomboyish and carefree tendency (for example: she didn’t care if the boys were peeking at her exposed panty during tennis practice) but can also act feminine as required.

    • Tier says:

      It is good to hear that machine translation worked well. I am going to need it to play Revolver Girl Hammer Lady, which should be coming out by the end of this month. I’d also kinda like to play Hotch Kiss sometime; as much as I enjoy playing those delicious, delicious tentacle rape games, sometimes a straightforward romance game is nice, too.

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