Tag Archives: Figures

Fate T. Harlaown from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (Bunny Version)

Fate T. Harlaown Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha StrikerS Figure Review

The latest bunny figure from FREEing is Fate T. Harlaown, Nanoha’s adversary-turned-best-buddy. It was a little weird seeing Nanoha in the skimpy bunny costume, since her sex appeal isn’t typically played up, at least when it comes to figures. However, Fate looks right in her bunnysuit, which is actually not much less modest than what she normally wears to a fight. They look great together, though, and while Fate and Nanoha are meant to be a matched pair (or threesome, if you count Hayate), Fate offers a number of contrasts to her partner that make this figure even more appealing.
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Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite (NSFW)

Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite Figure Review

There are scads and oodles of swimsuit figures out there, so let’s take a look at Shizuru Natsuru, one of the heroines from Key’s well-regarded visual novel Rewrite. Rewrite is notable for being an all-ages game, unlike many of their earlier visual novels. However, that isn’t stopping figure maker BEAT from interposing their own bit of raunchiness on Shizuru, as one can easily see.
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Preorder Outlook XXIV

Since I have a self-mandated quota of six posts per month to reach, it’s time to look at some of the stuff due for release later this year (that also means that there will be a pillowcase review tomorrow). Although we haven’t even gotten past January, manufacturers are already unveiling their summer release schedules. It seems like a bit of a slow year thus far, but with Wonder Festival just a couple of weeks away, we’ll certainly be seeing a lot more good stuff. For now, let’s take a look at a few figures that are already available to order.
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Samurai Katanako from 7th Dragon 2020

Katanako from 7th Dragon 2020 Figure Review

The schoolgirl-with-weapons theme is a very popular one, so much so that it’s made its way into Hollywood films like Kill Bill and Sucker Punch. Still, it is a quintessential theme associated with pop Japanese culture, particularly anime and video games, and as such one of the most common weapons for such a schoolgirl is a traditional Japanese sword. It’s odd, then, that looking at my collection, I see I’ve only got a couple of figures of schoolgirls with swords. This one here is one of them.
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diskvision Elsa (NSFW)

diskvision Elsa Figure by Dragon Toy

Nearly three years after releasing Eve, Daiki Kougyou has finally gotten around to releasing the second of diskvision‘s original nude figure sculpts. This character is named Elsa, and she is going to be released in three different color formats. This particular figure features blonde hair and pale skin and is the first version to hit stores.
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Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo (NSFW)

Sister Misa from Mahou Shoujo Figure Review

Native figures are always a treat to receive, and here is the newest one yet. This character is Misae Suzuhara, also called Misa-nee, and she comes from a doujinshi series simply titled “Mahou Shoujo” – no “Mahou Shoujo Misae” or anything like that, just Magical Girl. Most of Native’s figures are labelled as part of the Creator’s Collection, for which they take the work of particular artists and turn their 2D art into 3D sculpts. While most of the figures in this set are of fairly conventional design regardless of the artist, Misae definitely is not.
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Nanoha Takamachi from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (Bunny Version)

Nanoha Takamachi Figure Review

FREEing’s bunnygirl series are multiplying like – well, rabbits – and the newest one is none other than the Ace of Aces herself, noted combat instructor and porn game extra Nanoha Takamachi. They could have picked any version of Nanoha that they wanted and so they chose to use her nineteen-year old form, as she appears in the third anime series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. It’s a good decision, at least in my view, since though I have no problem with younger-looking characters – that I own FREEing’s Nymph figure is a reflection of that – this version of the captain has a number of charms that Nymph does not.
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Preorder Outlook XXIII

This should be the last preorder post of this year, and it’s an odd one as there’s nary an Alter or Good Smile Company figure to be found in it. I’ve seen some speculation that Good Smile Company’s quality is falling off, and I suppose there’s some justification to that, given that some of their products have had some egregious errors (like Black Rock Shooter – that reminds me that I still have to paste that star on her ass) and others just fail to impress (like Inori, whom nobody seems to really love, which I guess is only appropriate for a character from a show like Guilty Crown). I don’t really know if I fully subscribe to that idea, but then, I only buy their scaled figures, and not a lot of them at that. Alter, though – they’re just not making a lot of stuff I’m interested in buying. That makes this post a peculiarly FREEing-dominated outlook, and given my poor initial opinion of them, that’s a trend I’m having some difficulty adjusting to.
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Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown

Inori Yuzuriha figure by Good Smile Company

When you get down to it, figure collectors are really just grown-ass men and ladies who buy lots of toys. And of course, one of the best things about having toys is playing make-believe with them. In that spirit, we’re going to pretend that Inori doesn’t come from one of the most wrongfully overhyped shows of the past few years. We’re going to pretend that Inori isn’t a terrible character from an even worse series because Inori, you are so pretty and you don’t deserve all the things that were done to you. You deserved a much better show. You don’t deserve to be the concubine of the Shührer or the wet nurse of a different character. You deserved better writers and a better director. And well, while this figure isn’t bad, per se, you definitely deserved a bigger figure.
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Kanu Unchou from Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor

Kanu Unchou figure from Ikki Tousen

If there are any certainties in the anime figure industry, it’s that manufacturers will continue chucking out Tamaki Kousakas and Kanu Unchous with great zeal and aplomb, no matter how many pairs of eyes may roll at seeing them in the Amiami preorder list. The weariness that many collectors take no pains to conceal when it comes to Kanu – and the redheaded lady from To Heart – is understandable, but it’s not a sentiment that I share. My very first scale-size figure was one of Kanu Unchou, and I’m still fond of it, even though it’s a terrible figure by current standards (and probably prior standards, as well). And though there are a truckload of Kanus to choose from, we haven’t looked at one here since Alter’s figure. The one we’ll look at today comes from Daiki Kougyou, a company that isn’t shy at all about making Kanu figures.
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