Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei (NSFW)

Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei

We have for our examination today the latest and greatest from those inscrutable minds at Rocket Boy and Native. Unfortunately this lady has no name, being that she is simply given the title OSHITSUKE; doubtless lowbrow observers will snicker at the phonology but true collectors are certainly possessed of more refined sensibilities. Her sobriquet is perhaps more properly rendered as Oshitsuke Musume, which means something like Pressing Girl, which of course is basically what she is doing, at least in one of her poses. We will just call her Oshitsuke today, which doesn’t really make much sense but it’s not our fault that Rocket Boy did not give her the dignity of a name.

Oshitsuke figure

I don’t think that this character has any background to speak of; I’m not even certain if the illustration preceded the conception of this figure. The supplied postcard has a monochrome sketch rather than a finished image, which is the first time I’ve seen such a thing. The artist is, of course, Ishikei, very well known for his highly detailed doujinshi. This is not the first figure that Native has based off of his work; the first was Chie, which came out so many years ago.

Oshitsuke figure

This figure is manufactured by Rocket Boy and distributed by Native. It’s sculpted in 1/6 scale and stands about 25.5 centimeters in height; note that the base is about two centimeters high itself so overall height is around 27.5 centimeters. This figure comes with two torsos allowing for two very different display configurations.

Oshitsuke figure

The first display mode is this one, which is obviously what gives Oshitsuke her name. She is depicted smashing her breasts up into this pane of transparent plastic, which is an amusing concept and will no doubt entice many collectors.

I doubt many people will notice this, but the way her little finger on her right hand is bent looks sort of painful. I don’t think that finger is supposed to be that flexible.

Oshitsuke figure

The view through the looking glass is actually fairly realistic, though perhaps not as appealing. Or maybe it is, I dunno.

Oshitsuke figure

The lewdness doesn’t stop there, though; a couple of plastic pieces representing dripping semen are provided. One fits snugly and inconspicuously into the cleft of her buttocks, being supported by both friction and her underwear. The other piece is meant to represent liquid dripping below her panties and I am not actually certain how it is affixed, which is why it’s not seen here.

Oshitsuke figure

But wait, there’s more! The other display option dispenses with the plastic window and frame – which aren’t all that visually compelling – and assigns the viewer’s focus solely to the figure. In this mode, Oshitsuke is posed leaning forward with her hands spreading herself wide. It’s obviously quite a captivating pose. Kudos to Rocket Box for sculpting both torsos with arms, rather than supplying removable arms with arm bands along the biceps to conceal the detachment points, as many manufacturers do.

Oshitsuke figure

Her back is strongly arched, maybe unrealistically so, as her leg and her neck and head are perpendicular to the ground in two different planes. Not that that is really an issue, though; the more salient critique is that her pose looks spectacular.

Oshitsuke figure

Indeed, the whole point of her pose is to enable a view of this, which really speaks for itself in terms of appeal. The detail is superlative for this sort of thing, as is plain to see. Note that the whole figure has a glossy finish – which is meant to mimic Ishikei’s style – and it may be that the gloss has pooled up a bit here, which results in a rather shiny anus.

Oshitsuke figure

Aside from the orifices themselves, the way that her hands are spreading herself are quite interesting.

Oshitsuke figure

Oshitsuke has a very attractive face, with the rounded eye shape and slightly puffed-out cheeks that are indicative of Ishikei’s style. I like how her expression doesn’t really convey a distinct emotion; there are a number of moods that a viewer could impute to her.

Oshitsuke figure

The sculpting is, of course, top notch. There’s little to complain about in this respect. Rocket Boy hasn’t been around for all that long but they’ve already proven themselves to be amongst the best figure makers in the business.

Oshitsuke figure

This is obviously a fantastic figure, one of the best I’ve purchased this year and one of the best that Native has ever been involved with. Indeed, it may be the best figure that Native has ever been involved with, though that is obviously entirely a matter of personal taste, and I haven’t actually reviewed their Gamer Girl figure from years back (further, I’ve never actually taken it out of its box). Everything about this figure is marvelous, as is readily observable. That Native and SkyTube continually attempt to out-do each other in terms of both quality and perversity is a godsend to figure collectors everywhere.

Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
Oshitsuke figure
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15 Responses to Oshitsuke from the Art of Ishikei (NSFW)

  1. Aya says:

    no obama or something XD she is in perfect pose and scene :P.

    a perfect erotic figure thought 🙂

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, maybe I should have brought him out of retirement; he’d work pretty well for a figure like this. There actually is a Trump doll but it’s probably a waste of money to get him and the likeness isn’t really that great. Maybe I’ll do an encore post someday or something XD

  2. eden says:

    Nice Pic bro, Can you compare with the Ishikei Chie from Native figure for me? ;D

    • Tier says:

      Uhh, lessee; the similarities are they are both 1/6 scale and drawn by Ishikei! The differences are pretty much everything else, to be honest; they aren’t all that alike. Chie doesn’t have the really shiny skin and she has a darker complexion. They are both very high-quality figures (and quite pornographic) but if I had to pick just one, it’s Oshitsuke for sure.

  3. the breasts are rubber?

  4. Neogoliath says:

    Hey man, I found this neat figurine, I hope you can bring some attention to it. It’s modeled after a real life photo set.

  5. wieselhead says:

    I really Ishikei style characters, he/she illustrates girls in such a pretty way,
    sometimes it’s a bit too lewd for my taste, but when the characters look so pretty while being lewd…

    It’s a damn beautiful figure, I really love her face and hair.

    Rocket Boy makes great figures, I rather buy their less hardcore figures, so this figure here was not something I did order haha. I can enjoy Oshitsuke through your nice pictures, fortunately ^^

    She has a very nice body, thighs could be bigger, but that is just me.
    Man, what is up with all these optional parts, that you can get with such ero figures?
    Semen is coming out of her butt, that is a bit *ahem* … hot lol.

    The spread pose body shows really pretty orifices and I like all the glossy finish there
    and over the whole body, I guess when Chie was still new, applying that kind of glossy body texture wasn’t possible in production. Haha ero figures has such a high quality these days.

    I think both poses are good, being pressed against the wall is hot. The other pose is good too. The boobs appear really big there, could be smaller, but I don’t mind that much.

    I will repeat myself, her face is so damn pretty.

    • Tier says:

      Rocket Boy has done some awesome things recently. I’m really a big fan of their figures now. It’s funny how figures have gotten so explicit now; I keep thinking that there’s going to be a point where everyone thinks that a manufacturer has crossed a line and there will be a gigantic outcry, but so far that hasn’t happened. If that doesn’t happen, I’m kinda hoping a major manufacturer will do something absolutely offensive like a bestiality figure, partly because I think it would be sorta neat and partly because I’m curious as to what the public reaction will be.

  6. DASD says:

    holy.., she so gowd damn good
    just got her today … woooo
    btw that semen thing actually got some magnet both side, really small magnet attached if you haven`t realized it, i managed to attach them.
    this manufacturer is just bump my personal preference to the top.
    i own chitose from this manufacturer and i`m pleased, she got very natural cleavage without looked like molded in the middle. it just her lip just bit gone in middle kind a weird … @_@

    • Tier says:

      It’s a really awesome figure, Rocket Boy and Native outdid themselves with this one.

      Ah, interesting, I definitely did not know about the magnets. That’s a clever way to do it; I don’t think I’ve ever seen an accessory this small get attached with magnets. I missed out on Chitose which I regret a little bit, but there are so many good ero figures coming out that I guess I can’t be too sad about it.

  7. bostonbrandon says:

    She’s a solid 8, possibly a 9 as her face and genitalia are quite lovely in their own respective ways. However, I am really disappointed that her squished breasts cannot be displayed without sacrificing her cheek spreading pose.
    Also, as you say it’s wonderful to see companies Rocketboy and Skytube in direct competition. It truly is a golden age for figure collectors.

    • Tier says:

      It’s too bad that you have to choose one or the other but I guess that is because the arms aren’t detachable and I suppose three torsos would have been ludicrous (though the idea is sort of amusing).

      The figure selection is fantastic and I really can’t complain, except maybe that I seem to preorder some figures that I would’ve been okay with letting go (like Dva, Yui Hoshizaki, Kirie Kagarino, or Alice) and I missed out on some figures that I really want now (like Hiromi, the Oda Non bunnygirl whose last name escapes me again, or the Homare-designed bunnygirl). Especially the Homare one, that’s one I really regret not ordering.

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