Alice from Queen’s Gate (Designer’s Color Version) (NSFW)

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

If I remember right, Alice was one of the first Queen’s Gate characters, if not the very first. While the characters of the Queen’s Gate series are, for the most part, licensed from existing properties, I think Alice was an original design contributed by Nitroplus artist Niθ. However, even though she’s a relative unknown in a lineup stocked with famous characters from fighting games and anime, Alice is no less loved by figure makers – she’s represented in the hobby by no fewer than six figures. Her first figure – reviewed at HappySoda and foo-bar-baz – sported light green hair; a second version had white hair and the third version – which is this figure – has black hair. Alice also got three versions of her as a rather buxom grown-up character; as I understand it, that’s one of her combat moves. Or somesuch. Although it’s a bit out of character for me, I like this loli-style figure better. Let’s take a look at it.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

Alice is manufactured by Alpha x Omega, a cooperative effort between Alter and MegaHouse. She’s sculpted in 1/8 scale and stands about 15 centimeters tall. She needs a bit of assembly to get her ready for display; a couple of large knife-looking projections attach to the back of her shirt, and she also has a couple of guns that need to be slid into her hands.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

I have to admit that I don’t often look forward to reviewing MegaHouse’s Queen’s Blade or Queen’s Gate figures. They often separate into numerous parts and are generally a real hassle to disassemble and put back together. Alice doesn’t actually come apart, as far as I can tell, but that just makes the task of removing her shirt all the more annoying because one of her twintails gets in the way.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

That’s not the only thing about this figure that annoyed me, however. Taking her out of the box, I found that her tail had snapped off. Fortunately it had broken in such a way that I could repair it without the fracture being too noticeable.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

That still isn’t the only thing about this figure that annoyed me, however. Sliding her guns into her hands required more force than I’m comfortable applying to a plastic figure. Or rather, sliding her gun into her left hand was tougher than I’d have liked; her thumb gets in the way of getting the gun grip all the way in, and it takes quite a bit of wiggling and pushing to get it secured in her hand. Getting her other gun in place was quite a bit easier, however, and I thought that was curious until I took a closer look and found that my figure has no thumb on its right hand.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

I’m not sure whether it broke off in the box or whether I snapped it off while trying to get her gun in place or if she just didn’t have that thumb in the first place. I don’t think I snapped it off since I’d have probably noticed it flying across my desk. I’m not really certain what the deal is with that. I suppose I can make-believe that Alice has a side job as a Yakuza enforcer who screwed up one too many times.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

Moving past the usual and unusual annoyances, Alice is a great-looking figure that is just as attractive now as she was back in 2008. This version of her replaces her color scheme with a lot of black and red, two colors that always look great together. I admit I’ve got a thing for red eyes and black twintails – not really a common combination among anime characters, though characters from Bakemonogatari and Mayo Chiki! have recently featured that eye color and hairstyle.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

Perhaps Alice’s most attention-arresting aspect is her pose. Guns crossed and a small scowl on her face, she looks confident and serious despite her apparent youth and small stature. She also radiates sexiness – or sluttiness, I suppose – with her spread-legged stance and with her chest all but visible right down her top.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

The back view is no less immodest, with her rump hanging right out for the admiration of all. As is typical for figures such as this one, her panties are lovingly detailed, with the right half sliding up into her ass.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

Alice is packing heat in the form of a couple of pistols – complete with Rambo knives fixed to the grips. One gat sports a dull metallic finish while the other is in black, adding an element of contrast to her design. Her left-hand gun is rather suggestive in its placement, with its knife pointing back at her groin.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

That isn’t the only element of her design that guides the viewer’s eye to her raunchy bits; her tail obviously leads directly to her rear. Painted with alternating bands of black and metallic red paint, it’s very eye-catching and gives her a bit of a supernatural flavor, though I’ve read it’s actually a whip.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

A curious aspect is the Batman logo painted on her forelock. Nitroplus uses this symbol fairly often – I remember seeing it show up on Ignis’s clothing in Jingai Makyo, and I’m not sure what it’s actually supposed to be. I’m pretty sure that it’s not supposed to be a Bat-symbol, anyway.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review

Alice is a fantastic figure, one that I really like a lot and would like even more if she had all ten digits on her hands. Why she’s missing that thumb, I don’t know, but I suppose it doesn’t detract from my appreciation of this figure. Nor does her loli-style appearance – I generally prefer more adult-looking characters, but in this case, I really like Alice’s younger look. Her cool expression – a stare that exudes calmness and disdain, her sexualized pose, and her design in general all come together to make for a great figure, one that I’m glad that I own.

Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
Queen's Gate Alice Figure Review
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47 Responses to Alice from Queen’s Gate (Designer’s Color Version) (NSFW)

  1. Asa says:

    Ahh, another figure we share. I was hesitant to get her given the cast off, and this country’s opinion of small breasts = child thus anybody liking it must be a sex offender.

    However, she passed through customs without a hitch, and she was relatively easy to assemble (I’ve dealt with worse) — however, I had read a very indepth review of her just a few hours before she arrived, so I knew about her delicate parts. Many people seem to have snapped thumbs off trying to put her guns in, so I was very gentle with them and got her all assembled without breaking anything (she does, in fact, have two proper thumbs).

    I display her fully clothed, as I do my other castoffable figure (yes, I only have two) and it seems un/re-dressing her may lead to more breakages, or at the very least paint wear, so I doubt I will undress her. Just the initial unwrap, then dress and don’t touch it again. My usual for figures. ;.;

    I did, however, get a nice closeup with my 90mm macro + 12 + 20mm extention tube;

    For fans of pettanko/DFC like myself, she is beautifully endowed. A gorgeous figure.

    I like the backdrop you used here, what is it you did to get that stripe effect? Looks almost like a wool sweater or something, given the weaved sort of appearance.

    • Tier says:

      Well, that’s disconcerting, then; I wonder where her missing thumb might be. I know I didn’t have any trouble getting the first gun in, and I think I’d have noticed if there were a thumb impeding the gun grip, so my guess is that she didn’t have a thumb in the first place. Oh well; at least her missing thumb isn’t noticeable and I suppose I can try to sculpt a replacement out of Sculpey.

      I put her shirt back on, too; she loses a lot of her visual interest and intimidation factor without those big knife blades poking away from her back.

      I find it amusing that the first person to comment on your picture is nicknamed “knocker”, given the subject of your photo XD

      I used a big roll of some sort of black mesh material I picked up at the local arts and crafts store. I think it’s meant to wrap flowers or other forms of foliage or something, but I figured it might work as backdrop material.

      • Asa says:

        Ah, so you’ve just used the wrap as flooring and backdrop, I thought maybe the flooring was rubber mat you had used previously, but I see it now. So you just used a red gel to colour the backdrop?

        I take it you thoroughly searched her box and the area you unbox figures in incase her thumb was loose in the box and came out somewhere? I’ve dropped some nendo parts during unboxing, which I’ve missed until I noticed they weren’t there later. Can be a real pain to see on my crappy carpet, too, so I’m really careful unboxing now. I do it in my photo space which is a nice clean white table, easy to see any bits.

        I suppose it may have just broken on the line before it was boxed, but that’s pretty shitty QC. I wouldn’t be impressed if that happened to me… only case I’ve had with a defective figure is Cirno nendo that didn’t come with her ribbon/tie. I emailed GSC with a photo of her ribbonless body, and they just sent me a whole new one no questions asked. Gotta love that customer service.

        And yeah, some people’s names are funny, it’s nice when irony falls in to place with situations like that. Though I suspect he was complaining that she’s not a mutant, not complimenting her divine figure.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, it’s just the gray foamboard and a couple of flashes with red-colored gels. Using the mesh wrap was very much a plan-B situation.

          Yeah, I checked the box and the plastic packaging, though I wasn’t too careful about setting the box aside and if the broken thumb were indeed in the box, it probably get sent flying somewhere while I was removing her guns and knife parts. Hopefully it turns up somewhere; I’ve had a few figure parts that I’ve lost and thought I’d never recover only to come across them months after misplacing them.

          That’s great customer service indeed. I’ve almost always gotten pretty good service dealing with Japanese companies which is pretty nice, since sometimes one might expect distance and language to be big impediments to a satisfactory conclusion.

          • Asa says:

            That’s a drag, I’d hate to have an entirely missing piece; the one figure I had that came damaged was an easy fix. I broke the tip off my Flandre nendo dropping her, and was unsuccessful re-attaching it with my old PVC modelling glue, however I have a friend who is very crafty who is going to try some sort of superglue or something to fix it. Either way, no actual missing parts, just breaks that are repairable.

            I really need to look in to gels, given how much difference lighting like that can make. I was at my photography teacher’s today, and he has simple cardboard flaps he tapes to his lamps, instead of a whole snoot, just flaps that can be directed one way or the other (or even closed together to cut some of the light) so I am going to try that approach. Still, some gels to colour the light after I get a better grip on handling it naked (5000K is perhaps too perfect) is definitely something I should do.

            And yeah, gotta give credit to their business ethic and keeping the customer happy, in the vast majority of cases, anyway. When I first went there on my own as an adult, it was a bit different though; I’m merely half Japanese, non-native at that, and was treated somewhat rudely in some places for being a foreigner. Xenophobia is rife unfortunately. But online just through businesses, it’s all been ace for me so far.

  2. here-and-faraway says:

    “I’m not really certain what the deal is with that. I suppose I can make-believe that Alice has a side job as a Yakuza enforcer who screwed up one too many times.”

    That made me smile. As always, thanks for the great review and photography.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks XD Not that I’m really a make-lemonade-from-lemons sort of person, but I guess her missing digit does give her a bit of personality and uniqueness.

  3. azn0will says:

    Ohh, nice!

    I saw the original coloring, and boy do I have to say that it looks a bit dull. I really like the color scheme on this version though, especially the hair. This is one of the figures that I would consider getting, but I don’t have room on my shelf :'(
    Hopefully in the near future I can have her >.<

    And again Tier great shots! However, I wouldn't mind seeing a couple more shots of her weapons, but then you made up for it with–BOOB shots!

    and I'd have to lol @ Asa's
    That’s true in most first world countries I believe :X

    • azn0will says:

      Quoting Asa didn’t go through on first post :\


      • azn0will says:

        OMG I’m horrible! Sorry Tier!

        Asa: “…small breasts = child thus anybody liking it must be a sex offender.”

    • Tier says:

      I liked the original figure, although it didn’t move me enough to buy it. I think I like this version the best out of the three – which should be no surprise, of course, since I own this one and not the other two.

      I wasn’t too impressed by the appearance of her weapons, aside from the novelty of having knives in place of magazines. They’re pretty plasticky-looking and sort of odd-looking, so I figured I’d concentrate on what I expected people would be interested in, which of course are the boobs and backside shots.

      • azn0will says:

        Yes indeed, the boobs and back shots are very nice!
        I did notice that the strap on her left thigh was/is applied proportionally–which is a good thing. Because on some figures’ leg straps like the one she has on are sometime screwed up, they are noticeably smaller than the thigh so it gives it a “no blood circulating through the leg” look if you know what I mean. It simply makes the thigh look like two pieces instance of one.

        You following me, or was I too confusing?

  4. Wolfheinrich says:

    I don’t know if it has anything to do with the leap day, seems like the comments left yesterday have all but disappeared ;s Anyway, I have to agree with ya that I have the bustier version of Alice Boost, I don’t like her as much as this loli one. Remember a few years back, I ran across another case of broken tail, the way the figure is packaged made it vulnerable I think to snapping.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks for the heads-up; they got flagged by Akismet and would’ve gotten purged if you hadn’t mentioned it. I really wish Akismet would leave comments submitted by people with Gravatars alone.

      I think I might’ve picked up the grown-up version of Alice (with the red and black colors) if it hadn’t come up for preorder right at the same time as this one and if it wasn’t a Japan-only exclusive. My impulse purchase tendencies are significantly dampened when I have to fork over the money all at once and up-front.

      • Asa says:

        Hm, I posted a reply to your reply to me in the anniversary thread that seems to have disappeared. Was wondering if it just needed approval due to having a link in it, but being eaten by leapyear may be an explanation.

        • Tier says:

          Blah, yeah, it was in the spam queue as well. I used to go through it manually to make sure that no legitimate comments got purged but since I get a ton more spam comments now, I just dump it without looking through it. Now I’m feeling all OCD that other peoples’ posts got inappropriately flagged and deleted.

          • Asa says:

            Could you turn on a filter so people need a wordpress (or whatever system) account to be able to post? I’d sign up to one if so. Otherwise I’ll stick with gravatar.

            Alternatively, make your own blog system that need accounts on this site. =p

  5. Ashlotte says:

    Honestly I’m not that surprised about the thumb thing. I’ve noticed a rather bad trend with Megahouse’s QC lately especially with exclusives. Specifically a pair of One Piece figures they made one having an unpainted face on most of the one released and another one where the majority of them had black paint flecks over them. Hardly instills confidence in wanting to shell out extra bucks for something that they seem to be fine with shoving out the door without ensuring it meets their normal releases standards…

    Still as you say Alice is a lovely figure~ Damn shame they seem so against re-releasing the original one again normally.

    • Tier says:

      Haha, that’s hilarious, unfortunate, and utterly appallng; I’d be thoroughly displeased if I opened up a figure box and found that it had no face, to say the least. I probably ought to pull Satsuki out of her box and make sure she’s not splattered with paint defects or missing any fingers or eyeballs or such.

  6. Wieselhead says:

    Ah, now the dark colored Alice made it to your collection, very nice ^^
    I have the first run version of her at home, she was one of my first figures, I took her review from my blog because I had the opinion it was bad 😀 I edited it sporadically and will publish the updated post soon.

    What I like about the figure in general is, that her face shows a different expression when you change your viewpoint.The alternative color version gives her a more seductive appearance and the color scheme highlights the slutty look of her dress a bit more. The pantsu on the normal figure appears like it slipped there accidentally , but when looking at dark Alice I get the idea that she misplaced her pantsu purposely 😀

    Alice is a very well sculpted loli, well she looks like an older in my opinion. I really like her face and the twintail hairstyle. Her arms, the butt and the legs are so nice. Also her clothes look quite pretty and exciting.The changes I really like are the glossy boots and the light grey corsage. In general I prefer dark haired girls, but I still like the light blue hair of mine a bit more.

    The missing thumb is surely a really bad flaw, as you mentioned it, you actually scared me a bit, so I had to look at my normal versions hand. Well, everything seems fine there *puuh*

    For a long time I wasn’t brave enough to place the weapons in her hand correctly, there was so much resistance in her fingers. A few years (haha it where actually years) as I saw some nice pictures of the first version somewhere, I also wanted my figure to look like this. In the end I asked my sister if she would handle this for me.

    • Tier says:

      I haven’t read through my older posts in months – years, in many cases – because they are uniformly really, really bad. Not just the photos but the quality of writing as well. I’d really like to re-do some of those because some of my favorite figures are the ones I reviewed early in the lifetime of this site, but it’s hard to find the time to update old content, let alone generate new posts.

      Yeah, that’s one aspect of this figure I like a lot as well. She looks very different when viewed from above or below or from the sides as she does straight-on.

      The dark-haired version does look a bit naughtier than the original Alice XD It’s pretty neat how the original Alice looks a bit more innocent (I think the review on HappySoda does a great job of depicting her from that perspective) and how this version looks a bit naughty, even though they’re otherwise the same figure.

      I was looking for information about the original figure and I was surprised to see that it came out all the way back in 2008. It really does not feel like it came out that long ago – though on the other hand, by that time I think I already owned thirty or so figures.

  7. Nightmare says:

    First impression of this character led me to believe it was a younger (and slightly twisted) version of Dizzy. If I had to pick between the different versions, this would be the one of choice. The black hair adds maturity and soaks up the jailbait persona in previous figures but hey, to each his own. I’m fond of details such as the tail swirling around the leg, the cracked heart-shaped skulls on her boots and the panties about to join the adjacent buttock. The red eyes are a big boost to her overall appearance as well.

    It’s unacceptable that parts are missing or break due sloppy packaging and it’s unfortunate to hear about your experience with said tail and thumb. I’m most likely spoiled by the way GSC are packing their figures although you sometimes need a bloody toolbox to get through all the plastic, tape and wire.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, that was a resemblance I kinda thought as well, and I thought about taking some group shots with Dizzy but then I’d have to dust her off and by the time I was done taking these photos, I was really tired (I expected this to be a pretty easy one-hour shoot; it wound up taking closer to four hours). Alice looks like she’d fit in a BlazBlue or Guilty Gear game without any problem at all.

      I was quite startled to see the tail floating around in the plastic packaging; I’ve literally kicked around and manhandled figure boxes with the figures still inside them without them incurring any damage – though I guess very few of those figures have long, fragile tails.

  8. Aaron says:

    I like this figure, pose, ass, boobs, face, etc. In fact I really like the pose and her ass. I am not familiar with the game at all, but I think the only thing I am not a fan of is the tail. It just seems like it doesn’t belong.

    Good review too.

    • Tier says:

      It does look a bit odd without other supernatural elements, like demon horns or pointy ears or something. I’m not a huge fan of tails on anime girls myself but I’m a bit ambivalent on its inclusion with Alice; it adds a bit of spice to a figure that, admittedly, isn’t lacking for it. I’m glad she didn’t have animal ears though because that’s something I like quite a bit less.

  9. cd says:

    your picture seems brilliant, I like it quite much.Especially the background part match the figure very well.I wonder how did you make the background and the spot light.could you show your work table for me?thanks for sharing your amazing pics.

    • Tier says:

      You can see my shooting space in this post; it’s just my computer desk, which isn’t very large. I’m using a couple of backgrounds here; the pictures with the vertical black lines use a mesh screen placed in front of a sheet of gray foamboard. The pictures with the diagonal black lines just use some bamboo skewers silhouetted against the gray foamboard. In all cases the background is lit with a couple of camera flashes with red-colored gels taped to them.

  10. Adam says:

    It sounds like you encountered a lot of the same issues that I did with the original Alice run. The tail on my Alice also snapped off, along with one of her bat wing armbands. I’ve been too lazy to attempt a repair, but I’m still meaning to get around to it some day. I display her as-is and she still manages to look pretty good in spite of the damage.

    From what I recall, the thumbs actually snap off and back on to make it easier to get the guns in and out. I’m quite certain that I popped one or both thumbs off on my Alice when assembling her and they popped back in place rather easily. You might want to re-check the box to see if its rattling around in there somewhere.

    Great lighting, as usual!

    • Tier says:

      Ouch, that sucks; it seems that more than a few people had issues with this figure’s durability, then. I was wondering if the thumbs came off, since it looked like they did and the gun was so hard to get into her left hand that I can’t imagine they were sadistic enough to intentionally make it that way, but I didn’t want to apply a lot of force trying to get her thumb detached. I really wish they’d include an instruction sheet like Alter and GSC often do, particularly since their castoff mechanisms are often way more complicated.

  11. BioToxic says:

    Ah you did decide to pick up this version of Alice. I remember her from one of your pre-order posts.

    After all these years her pose still looks great. Bending over and thrusting her butt to the world is still as tempting as ever. It’s a shame though MegaHouse haven’t improved on the QC. The missing thumb is really odd, and the broken tail is an issue they’ve still not bothered to fix. She really is simply a repaint of a 2008 figure (man it’s been that long :shock:).

    I agree with you on this younger looking Alice looking better than the “adult” version. The adult version figure looks particularly odd to me, as if someone opened 3D modeling software for the first time and went nuts with a warping tool. Plus having played Spiral Chaos, Alice is much cuter in her younger form. I’m not sure if her adult form is a transformation or future Alice but she uses it in her special moves anyway.

    I’m not a fan of the colour scheme sadly. They took my favourite white hair combo and made it black ><. I also liked the leopard print outfit her second limited release had. If you could swap their heads that would have been cool – mix and match. I do however like the black and red outfit on this third re-colouring. Everything looks more pronounced and the white top adds a bit of contrast. Although even if you could swap parts getting Alice now means putting down some crazy money. +£200 for the version I like, and even at that price she's mighty tempting.

    • Tier says:

      They did! XD I have to admit that I did not pay a great deal of attention to the original version of this figure, though I do recall reading through a few reviews at the time. It came out at a time when I was a bit more discriminating as far as what figures I wouldn’t buy (I wasn’t much of a loli fan back then, and I guess I still wouldn’t describe myself as such). More significantly, Alice was released a few months before I got my first real job, which meant I was dead broke at the time and couldn’t afford new figures anyway. Swappable heads would’ve been quite neat, though – not just for looks but also for getting her shirt off. I dunno why MegaHouse made it so that her shirt has to be removed by pulling it in the direction of the one twintail that’s placed closest to her torso.

  12. Tier says:

    >> Asa
    Yeah, those would be called flags, or gobos some people call them. I flag my lights all the time to cut down on spill; they’re one of the most useful tools for keeping light from hitting the backdrop or floor.

    That sounds pretty crappy, and being also half-Japanese, that’s one of the big reasons I’m not all too eager to make a visit there. The other big reason is that I don’t speak Japanese at all and would feel pretty dumb being that I look Japanese and have a Japanese middle and last name, but can only converse in English. (I’m also half-Korean and as I understand it, relations between the two are not particularly warm).

    I’m not sure if such a filter exists, but I’d like to make it as easy as possible for people to leave comments. It annoys the hell out of me when I have to register on websites to access content, so I don’t plan on ever requiring people to have registered accounts elsewhere to comment here.

    • Asa says:

      Flags seems right, yeah. Also seems the easiest method since I have square lamps; I had tried rolling some of my backdrop cardboard in to tubes without a lot of success, so simply cutting some flaps seems like it may be a good idea. I need to learn to control the spill; lighting is my greatest enemy at the moment, and learning to deal with it, then use it how I want is going to be my biggest challenge as a novice photographer, I think.

      Eh, I’ve been to Japan a dozen odd times, used to go every other year or so, but haven’t for a few now for various reasons. All in all it’s worth the trip. I’ve only had occasional issues and rudeness in certain places. If you stick to big cities that are used to tourists you should largely be fine, though seeing more rural/remote areas and stuff is nice if you can avoid people.

      You could just make your own registration for this site, but keep it simple, perhaps. I’m not sure how to do it; I’ve never had comment ability on any of my sites, so never had to deal with spam. Bots are pretty damn clever these days though, which leads to those god awful captchas everywhere which are often more difficult for people to read than computers.

      • Tier says:

        I typically use construction paper to make snoots; back when I used desk lamps, I’d just take a sheet, roll it around the lamp, and tape it in place. The snoots I use with flashes are basically the same deal, except I wrapped them in gaffer’s tape to make them more durable and affixed some velcro so that I don’t have to keep using scotch tape to secure them. It’s amazing how much tape I go through (including scotch tape, masking tape, and gaffer’s tape). I also just lean stuff against the lights; in one of the shots on my Lacia shot breakdown, I had this weird-looking assembly of little foam bricks that I used as a flag on one of the rim lights. I had built that thing to serve as a backdrop for the Tamaki Kousaka shoot but I decided not to use it, but it came in handy for blocking light.

        I might visit someday; I’m not much of a traveling type, though. The last time I got on an airplane was before the 9/11 attacks. I have a plan to go back and visit Seoul sometime, though; I grew up there but was way too young (and dumb) to appreciate living there. I recall that my main interest in leaving Seoul was because I wanted to watch cable television like everyone in the US had.

        Yeah, I definitely don’t want to introduce captchas or one of those other puzzle-based filters. Some spam slips through and enters the moderation queue, but it hasn’t been a big problem; I’m a lot more concerned with legitimate comments getting incorrectly flagged as spam. The spam filter is pretty smart but I’ve seen comments from real people get thrown into the deletion pile for no obvious reason, and that’s a bit concerning.

    • TomTheCat says:

      Lol, half-japanese, half-korean? It’s a miracle you’re in existence in the first place 😉

      One of these days, I’d like to visit Japan. I’m caucasian, so no problem there. I’d just be another tourist… I even fantasize about learning the language, but I guess that’s a great challenge because not only is the language different but also the writing, so one has no grip to start. Oh well…

      • Tier says:

        Yeah, it’s a strange combination XD I never did ask my parents how they met; it had to be a pretty strange occurrence, being that my mom doesn’t speak very good English and my dad speaks no Korean at all.

        I’m very slowly trying to learn hiragana and katakana; I figure if I can learn those two alphabets and build up a small vocabulary, I’ll be able to play H-games and understand more of the story than I do with just machine translation.

  13. Steve Chen says:

    This one is the one that got away………..darn it! I wish AlphaOmega re-releases her default form again.
    As for the breakage, good thing it wasn’t that bad a damage to be able for you to repair her.

  14. Break says:

    ah, so you got her too now! well, the sculp is soemwhat odler so i guess tahts why shes a little hard to assemble–the thumb of that hand, however, is there; it just snaps off easily because its a separate piece unlike the one at the other hand. snapped off one time with me too; but beeing a single piece also makes it easier to rettach it, unless it gets lost like what seems ot have happened to you… are you sure the tail snapped off? its normally removable, though that leaves a kinda stump and doesnt make much sense. i guess its for easier removing her shirt (they shouldve just made that one twintail that gets in the way attachable for that, but oh well..) but well except for the issue with the base and the feet that dont quite fit in, its quite a gorgeous figure isnt it?also, curiously, Niθ seems to be the only oen designing lolis with make-up 8eyeshadow), and i havent seen any other loli-figure with that feature so far, which alone makes her unique already. and has quite the charme on it. personnaly i like it when loli’s wear adultlike stuff and have the personalities befitting that.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, it’s a very pretty figure. I don’t have a big thing for lolis but they don’t bother me a whole lot, either. Other than the really, really young-looking characters, anyway; I’m not big on toddlercon or whatever it’s called.

      • Break says:

        haha good to hear^^ im not a huge toddleron or whatever fan either, though i do have a thing for lolis. i dotn mind the bigger frames though, except those that are really over the tiop like cattleya (a nightmare..)

  15. icelava says:

    My first cast-off figure. Not because she can be casted off, but because she simply looks too sleek, too *style*. Removing her corset and holsters certainly removes a lot of the style.

    Usually I do not like alternative colours, but this designer colours worked totally for me, probably inducing a different flavour of kinkiness from the original model. She’s totally a naughty figure to look at and photograph.

    I think you had a bad QC scenario. My figure has proper thumbs, and while it was slightly difficult to get her to grab her guns, it wasn’t a massive struggle.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, that’s what it appears to be, or the thumb went flying off somewhere without me noticing it. Oh well. At least the missing digit isn’t visible.

      I like her better fully-clothed as well; she’s far more interesting to look at. Also, I wouldn’t really call myself a big flat chest fan, so I don’t mind keeping her covered up.

  16. Chris says:

    What does NSFW stand for?

  17. korrdavl says:

    can you take the pantsu off??

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