Dakimakura Review – Panty & Stocking from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (NSFW)

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

Time for another dakimakura cover review! You know what Kimiko means. And this time we get to look at two girls for the price of one.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura by Evening Call

This dakimakura cover depicts Panty and Stocking, the titular characters of the unapologetically lowbrow comedy anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. Stocking, the girl with the pink and blue hair, has a voracious appetite for sweet desserts and Panty, the blonde, has an insatiable craving for cock. In the anime, the characters are generally drawn in a cartoony, Western style, but during their brief transformation sequences they are rendered as wanton, full-curved women, and that’s how they are represented on this pillowcase.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

Here’s the full-length shot of this side. This dakimakura cover was designed by Evening Call, the same circle that did the Black Rock Shooter pillowcase I wrote a post about a few weeks back. Like many dakimakura covers, it’s 160 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide. This pillowcase is made of two-way tricot, a stretchy material that feels thick and strong, unlike my Nanoha dakimakura cover, which feels thinner. Notably, I didn’t have any problems with the image on the reverse side being visible in these photos.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

This dakimakura cover doesn’t shy away from explicitness. So here’s Panty’s vagina.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

And this here is Stocking’s vagina.

So this is a pretty good looking dakimakura cover, so far. I like this side a lot. Until I look down. And notice that Stocking’s got a problem with her feet.


Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

Well, that does dampen one’s enthusiasm. It was funny, when I was deciding whether to buy this pillowcase; I run many of my proposed purchases by a couple of my friends for their advice. While I was doing so, I explained to them that there was a peculiar dakimakura cover – by Taka Tony, no less – that famously had a reversed feet error. I showed them the image and they told me that they didn’t notice it at first but once it was pointed out, it was glaringly obvious. I mentioned that I would give this prospective pillowcase a careful look-over to make sure it didn’t suffer the same problem. Somehow, I completely missed that it had the exact problem I wanted to look for.

So, yeah. It’s kinda hard to make lemonade out of this, but let’s give it a shot. Let’s take a look at the other side.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura

The reverse side shows Panty and Stocking still wrapped around each other, though Panty looks unusually anxious about something here.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

Here’s the full-length shot of this side. The feet look okay on this side, and so do the hands. I’m not sure where that arc of Stocking’s hair at the top comes from; I’m guessing that maybe the source artwork had some of her hair curving off the left side and coming back around the top but I’m not sure about that.

Anyway, I really like this image. The artist did a nice job including some nice details, including Panty’s earrings and the little saliva trail in her mouth. He also draws some very pretty eyes.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

This is Stocking’s ass.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review

And here’s Panty’s vagina. And her panties.

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Dakimakura

So, the error is pretty annoying but I think the reverse side mostly compensates for it, as I like that illustration more than the other side anyway. Leaving aside the incorrect anatomy for the moment, I like TID’s art style a lot and he does a great job of giving Panty and Stocking appropriately sexy and lusty looks. Evening Call has done some great stuff and while it’s not all perfect, I’m pretty happy with this pillowcase. I’m giving some thought to preordering their upcoming Saber Alter and Saber dakimakura cover, which looks very nice. Saber purists might decry the inclusion of an ahoge on Saber Alter, but at least that’s more plausibly explained than two right feet.

Panty and Stocking Dakimakura Review
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54 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Panty & Stocking from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (NSFW)

  1. Shashin says:

    Man, now I really do regret not pre-ordering this case. I actually really enjoyed the first few episodes of P&S, though I wish they spent more time in this delicious form.

    • Tier says:

      I’ve only watched the first episode (the two 15 minute episodes, I guess) and while I enjoyed it, I could see it getting old after a while. I think I’ve heard a lot of people express that sentiment, that they liked the show but didn’t care to watch a whole season of it.

      I didn’t watch much anime that came out last season; Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls was disappointingly bad, Sora no Otoshimono Forte couldn’t and didn’t live up to the first season, and I didn’t watch anything else. This season doesn’t seem too great either: I don’t like Infinite Stratos much because of all the tsundere types among the female cast, and I saw the first episode of Freezing and that’s also really bad. I’m enjoying going through Seikon no Qwaser, though.

      You probably already know about this site but there’s a wiki page for Princess Hunting Dungeon Meister. I just randomly saw it in my bookmarks while I was cleaning them out a bit earlier.

      • Shashin says:

        Yeah, I was really disappointed with the format. 15 minutes (or more like 10-11) just really isn’t enough time to tell a good story. The episodes weren’t bad, but I really would have preferred a full length format. That and they were only slightly linked together; once again, I greatly prefer some continuity.

        I’ve watched a couple more episodes of Sora no Otoshimono and it’s still enjoyable. I just wish I had the attention span to plow through more than a couple of episodes every couple of weeks. Same with Qwaser, though that’s always a very enjoyable watch.

        Yeah, that’s the crappy walkthrough I was referring to. It’s not bad I guess, as it’s nice to see any information at all about the game, but it’s certainly lacking in comparison to say the Rance wiki. I’m still grateful for any help at all in the game, though. At the very least, it’s helpful for menu/items, if not combat/strategy mechanics.

        • Tier says:

          I really liked Sora no Otoshimono up till maybe the fourth or fifth episode of Forte, and then it started sliding. The villain angel that shows up is one of the least interesting antagonists in recent memory. The show is much better when it focuses on the predicaments Tomoki’s schemes land him in than when explaining the angels’ histories. I think it’d also have been better off if Nymph and Astraea hadn’t been introduced since neither brings much to the story. That certainly wasn’t an option that the studio considered, though.

  2. drakanity says:

    Awesome case. Shame about the feet, but we’ll just try to eliminate it out of our minds and it shouldn’t bother 😀

    @Shashin: Yea, I wished they were more in that form as well. I really like all the fanart of them in that form. They should remake the series like that ^o^

    I finished the series, but it didn’t have the same appeal toward the end. I guess like most crazy comedy animes, they start to get old? LIke Excel Saga is probably one of the only shows I never finished. And I pretty much finish anything I start, good or bad so….

    Indeed, that saber is pretty nice as well.

    • Shashin says:

      In all fairness, I did drop a lot of anime during the last season, for whatever reason; including the good ones. I really liked the first episode of Yosuga no Sora and it was great seeing decent H-scenes in an anime. I also like the way they did the branches, but I stopped watching near the end of the second route; told myself I’d go back to watch Sora’s route, but never got around to it. I have preordered the Sora BD though, after seeing some delicious shots of the recently released BD. Dropped P&S maybe 5-6 episodes in. Was still a fun watch, but I just lost interest. Oreimo was still holding my interest, but once again I stopped watching around the same time.

      Guess I just have a terrible attention span or something, but I’m quite the masochist in other similar areas. The simplest games can hold my interest for hours. I’m fairly free this weekend, so I actually unrared the Dungeon Meister game, and so far I’m liking it. Don’t know if it’s because I’m doing it without any translation/a limited guide or because I just don’t know the system, but I’m thinking it will be a good deal harder than Rance. Or at least more strategic. As much as I loved Sengoku Rance, once you figured out the mechanics, there was very little strategy involved. Only have had an H-scene or two so far, but I like the art. Voice acting is good, but I miss 95% of it because I can’t read Japanese and I’m just skipping through the text to stop and view the CG as it switches. Fairly cool game so far, though.

    • Tier says:

      I think that’s the best way to approach this, particularly since the other side is so nice. This is one of the times when I’m glad that my pillow body is too short for a dakimakura cover, since that end stays floppy so that I can’t see the feet anyway.

  3. VF says:

    LOL, very explicit pillow cover, but now that you mentioned the feet thing, I can’t stop looking at it. I know, naked girls and all, but that foot is all I look at – just how the hell do you screw up and draw two right foot anyway? o_O At least from this 2-dimensional angle that’s what it looks like…

  4. The Endless General says:

    Don’t tempt me with that Saber cover. Shouldn’t have clicked the link…….Uh oh…….

    • Tier says:

      It looks nice, doesn’t it? I’m really tempted myself. Mebbe. I hope I get my tax refund soon so I can justify it.

      • The Endless General says:

        What channel would one go through to get that anyway?

        • Tier says:

          You’d have to go through a proxy service. SMJ and Yokatta are the two that I use. SMJ has a relatively complicated registration system but once you get your account set up it’s pretty simple to use. With Yokatta you just send them an e-mail saying what you want to buy. As with all proxies, expect to pay a markup based on their service fees.

          • The Endless General says:

            I’m ever so tempted lol. 13,000 yen isn’t too over-the-top; I’m just not sure I want to take the leap into dakimakura collecting. Then again, it IS Saber………hmmm, tough call. How would you inform them (Yokatta) that that’s what you want to buy? They say send a description, but I’m not sure how to word it.

          • Tier says:

            You just send them an e-mail saying you’re interested in buying an item. I include the URL to the item, a description of what it is (i.e., “Saber and Saber Alter Dakimakura Cover”), and the price. It’s probably better to include more information than less just to make it completely clear to them what you want to buy.

            I forgot to mention that with Yokatta (and most proxy services), you have to pay up front for preorder items rather than when the retailer ships the item.

  5. Azsharra says:

    Very nice review. I got this dakimakura too but as I have no wall space, I still have it in the SMJ warehouse. I never noticed the feet but that was the side I wanted to show up on my wall. Now you tell me there’s an error but it’s not as glaring as the Tony Taka one. So I’m not going to fixate on that. It’s $220 well spent for me. I like to think of it as paying for a very large piece of artwork.

    Have you looked at this site before? http://blog.埋もれる抱き枕er.jp/
    I’ve been following this blog for a year and it gets updated frequently.

    • Tier says:

      That’s the attitude I’m taking, too. Well, sorta … I’m avoiding fixating on the incorrect feet by never displaying that side, I will have this pillowcase perpetually turned to the reverse side so that I never need think about Stocking’s two right feet. At any rate, I don’t think it’s as problematic as Tony’s dakimakura cover, as you say, since Stocking’s feet are way at the bottom of the case rather than clear in the middle.

      Yep, I check that site very often, it is a fantastic site, especially with its search function and the coverage of event-specific pillowcases that aren’t offered by the usual doujin goods retailers.

      • Shashin says:

        I don’t even think that’s close to my attitude anymore. For me, it’s more like “Gotta Collect em’ All! Gotta Collect em’ All!” >_>

        I’ll be the third to add my praises for that site; I used another one before that, which was very nice. They’ve since changed their focus from dakimakura covers, but even when that was their primary focus, they paled in comparison to how wonderful the site above is. I still wish there was more of a dakimakura database or something that had sample images, without having to wade through a bunch of useless crap, but it’s certainly one of the better sites I’ve seen for dakimakura collectors. They even have the occasional review with some nice close up shots.

        • Tier says:

          There’s this site which has “dakimakura db” in its domain name though it doesn’t seem to be too comprehensive just yet. At least, I pasted in the names of a few older properties that I knew had dakimakura covers and it didn’t return any entries. I’m assuming that text box in the upper right is a search box, anyway.

  6. The Endless General says:

    Yeah I noticed that you have to pay up front; I always check payment policies whenever I decide to shop somewhere new. I still can’t really decide if I want it or not, and that tax return I just got isn’t helping matters much (by that I mean that it isn’t helping me be smart and just save it). Thanks for the info though, good to have for future reference.

    Oh, and I browsed through their preorder stuff and saw a Dollfie Dream Saber Lily that I really liked. Until I saw it’s heartstopping 111,000 yen price tag. That’s just…frightening.

    • Shashin says:

      In all fairness, going with SMJ would probably cost you a bit more than Yokatta, as it looks like they have a very fair commission rate. However, from what I’ve found, SMJ doesn’t charge you until the item is in their hands. I’ve done multiple pre-orders from them, including one that came to over $1000 before fees, and they’ve never invoiced me until the goods were in their hands and they were ready to ship to their US office. Then you have 14 days to pay once invoice. Granted you still can’t get your items until you’ve paid, but it’s a good policy and can certainly beat paying up front in some instances. So it might be something to consider after you see just how much it’s going to cost you with Yokatta.

      I feel like I have to note that SMJ’s policy may differ a bit, and in their FAQ they say that they may charge before they receive items, but I’ve never personally experienced. It could also have to do with my credit card deposit, but I can’t be sure. The system also seems to work a bit differently for cases in which multiple items are purchased from the same YHJ seller. They generally bill you the purchase/commission price for all but one after they’ve sent payment to the seller, and then tack on the other wire/shipping fees into the last invoice when they receive the item.

      Either way, I’d say go for it. Take the leap and become a dakimakura collector! The only way you’ll regret it is if you find you like it too much and start collecting an obscene amount of them, even when funds don’t really allow.

      On one last note, I agree with you that 111,000 is a very scary price tag… even for someone who buys pillowcases in bulk more or less.

      • Tier says:

        I agree, go for it! Once you get one it’s like crossing some sort of psychological hurdle. Things that seemed really, really weird before suddenly don’t seem all that strange. And they are comfy to hug. Though they do take up a helluva lot of space.

    • Tier says:

      The scary thing is that 111,000 yen isn’t an atypical price for a Dollfie Dream … some of the older ones go for several thousands of dollars. That sounds absolutely nuts but then again, I read a bunch of photography forums and there are a lot of people who have no problem dropping that kind of scratch on camera bodies and individual lenses. I guess they are all just different kinds of toys.

      My tax refund is just enough to pay for a few weeks’ worth of gasoline but I’m just glad to be getting a refund at all; I input my information into the IRS’s tax calculator a couple of months ago and it said I was going to owe something like $500. Instead I can keep my car filled up and treat myself to lunch at Wendy’s maybe twice a week.

      • The Endless General says:

        I had to pay the IRS $1,500 one year. That was bad news…

        My refund is pretty much just enough to get that cover lol. My car uses so little gas that I’m starting to think it actually runs on air, and that the gas just evaporates in the tank lol.

        • Tier says:

          Ouch. I owed money last year but not a whole lot, and I’m getting a refund this year but not a whole lot. I guess that means my withholding is set properly.

          I drive a beat up little Civic; it’s a great car, especially since it’s so fuel efficient. Unfortunately I drive about 80 miles per workday so I burn through gas pretty fast.

      • Cantan says:

        Love to play Devil’s advocate… you know, you could drop your orders by maybe 1 or 2 items a month and treat yourself to Wendy’s every month.

        I did buy a couple of Dakimakuras again recently… they cost $9.99 plus $15 postage each… what’s that in yen?

        Ok, I admit it, I’m bored and like to stir trouble

        • Shashin says:

          I was going to reply with how my purchases in the last few months alone could have accounted for a small used car or fancy tv… but then I really thought about it, and it’s funny how we’re willing to cheap out on some things but not on others.

          I don’t consider my dakimakura purchases wasted money (at least in the sense of buying legit vs fake, but I won’t deny that they’re certainly a “luxurious” item.) But you won’t catch me buying, say, Canon printer ink. I’ll pay the $6 shipped it takes for two black replacement cartridges and a full color set, thanks.

          Good as place as any to throw this in: I’ve been playing Arcana Hearts 3 the last few days. I’m terrible at fighting games, but it’s still good fun. I’m thinking it they definitely created it with perverts in mind, though. Sure, you could overlook the all girls cast, but a loli, twin-tailed, swimsuit wearing fighter with purple hair? How many fetishes does that meet in one?

          • Tier says:

            Back when I was in school, I remember talking with a guy in my dorm suite about how I wanted to get an M3 right out of school, or maybe a 3-series if I wanted to be a bit more thrifty. I was sure I was going to buy a sexy car right away. Now, I intend to drive my car into the ground and when it dies, I’m probably going to get another Civic.

            I don’t consider my purchases to be wasted or wasteful either and given the choice of buying a bootleg or legit pillowcase, I’ll always buy the legit one. Pretty much the only hobby-related purchase I’ve made in the last couple of years that I completely regret is the 24mm f/2.8 lens that I bought and never used.

            I remember seeing previews of that game, it looks pretty cool. I think Akaga Hirotaka did the artwork which also attracts my attention, since he designed Queen’s Blade’s Irma and I’m always whining about how she doesn’t have a figure yet. There’s another girly fighting game I’m interested in called Phantom Breaker … I’m guessing it’s not quite as fetishistic and probably not as good of a fighting game, too, but I like offbeat games like that. I wonder if either game has a chance of making it to the States?

        • Tier says:

          I probably would scale back my orders if I could but Hobby Search has instituted a curious cancellation policy. I would really like to drop BEAT’s Tamaki from my preorder list but I think I’m going to be stuck with her.

          $9.99 + $15 is $24.99, which is around 2065 yen.

          • Shashin says:

            Heh, I drive a Civic myself. Not really fond of their newer models, though they were a great car in the early-mid 90s.

            Yeah, I don’t use my camera nearly as much as I should. Granted I only have start lenses, and I’ve heard it often repeated DSLR cameras are 90% about the lens you have. I don’t regret my dakimakura purchases one bit, though if I had all the money in one lump sum at this moment, I may have spent it very differently. Still, I’m happy with what I have.

            I’d say it’s unlikely for Arcana Heart at least (and probably even more so for the other game you linked, but I don’t know.) The first game made it over here, but I’m not sure how well it sold; obviously not enough to bring over 2. No idea why 3 would come over if 2 didn’t, though I guess it could happen. Probably wouldn’t be a terrible thing to import though, might actually give you a reason to buy a PS3 if you like fighting games much.

            I actually went with the limited edition myself. I figured if I was going to pay 6000 yen for a game I probably wouldn’t play much, I may as well add on an extra 1600 and get all the extras. Little microfiber character towel, audio CD, bigger box, and a set of pins detailing every character. It’s actually a fairly cool bonus, and though I haven’t opened the box they’re contained in yet, they’re actually fairly big and look decently well made.

            I recently put their policy to the test myself. Though I did so unwittingly; missed the initial payment request mail, and received a cancellation notice some time later. Was a good week or two after the payment request. My account hasn’t been closed, as I’ve paid for another order since then. However, take that with a grain of salt, as it was for a 1300 yen total order, and they might react a bit more unkindly for an expensive figure. Still, I’d imagine a large part of their system is automated, especially now that cancellations are handled through the user menus, so there might be something to it.

          • Tier says:

            I drive a somewhat newer one, it’s a 2001 so it’s a 7th generation model. I love it, it’s a great car. It’s kinda slow but the way people drive around here, that’s not a big issue most of the time.

            I’ve heard the same thing about camera lenses and I don’t disagree, but even so, I am much, much more comfortable using a 7D than my Rebel XS. I kinda got the feeling that a lot of the people who say that you should always buy lenses first are using 5DM2s.

            I’m still thinking about getting a PS3. I’ve got Neptune preordered, mainly because I want the preorder artbook, and I guess it’d be silly to have a couple of PS3 games without owning a PS3. The main issue is that I don’t really play many video games these days and given the choice between getting a game on the 360 and PS3, I’d probably go with the 360 version out of familiarity.

            I wonder if they’ll create a written policy regarding missing payment deadlines. I don’t really want that Tamaki figure much now but I have a ton of preorders with Hobby Search and I guess I don’t want to have to switch them all to Amiami. Though comparing the prices for Houmei, I may switch over to Amiami anyway.

  7. Shashin says:

    It’s definitely my pick for this generation, though I have all three. 360 was great a few years back, but I just haven’t seen a single thing in the last few years that has piqued my interest. And it’s still a relatively dead console for RPGs, whereas the PS3 has seen a decent amount that are my type. Don’t know much about Neptune, but I have it preordered as well; the story sounds like some fun from what I’ve read, but I don’t know anything about the game mechanics.

    I don’t really play too many games myself these days either. It’s fairly funny that the last two games I’ve played (three if you count eroge) have all been Japanese without any translation. Still working my way through Criminal Girls, but I’ve been so busy lately that it has become a 10-20 minute session game. Combat system is still fun, though. Then Arcana Heart 3, which I’m still mashing buttons in. Would really like to get decently good at it though, but I’ve never had the patience or aptitude for fighters. I’ve also been dabbling a bit with MineCraft. Other than that, and some cheap Steam games I’ve picked up, I don’t even remember the last game I really sat down to play. Probably Valkyria Chronicles when I got my PS3 about two years ago.

    I actually prefer the PS2, er sorry, PS3 controller to the 360 controller. Even if it is a bit smaller in the hands, it’s still a very well designed controller. The only place I’d say that 360 wins for sure is in shoulder/trigger buttons, as I’m certainly partial to triggers. Main reason for going with the PS3 version though, would be for lack of needing a Japanese 360. PS3 games not having region coding (or US and Japan falling in the same region, I think) makes me very happy. And it’s also a plus for Catherine as the PS3 version looks slightly better and has the superior cover in my opinion.

    I imagine they will if it becomes too much of a problem; I’m sure their new system made quite a lot of people angry, but they were really lax before hand and I could imagine people abusing it. I know I sure as hell did. They also gave a decent amount of notice so that people who were even the least bit on the fence about something knew they had a deadline to cancel by, or be stuck with it. It’s fairly funny that a few months back, I would have said I’d deal almost exclusively with Hobby Search and now that’s about how I feel with AmiAmi. Though I’m very sad that it appears they don’t sell the Red Ichigo to foreigners at the very least. So I may have to stay with Hobby Search if I want to continue getting it. Though it’s a pain in the ass to get it by itself, as even with SAL shipping it runs about 2200 yen.

    • Tier says:

      I’m still trying to find a few more games to justify buying a PS3. I have this rule that I have to want at least three games for a system before I get it and the only one I can really think of right now is Valkyria Chronicles. I guess I’d double-dip on Tales of Vesperia if Namco ever brought it over to the States, but I’m kinda doubting that’ll happen since it’s old. I guess it’d be useful as a Blu-ray player since so much anime is coming out on that format, but I have about ten or fifteen series on DVD stacked up in a pile that I haven’t yet watched and I probably should clear that out before I start getting new discs.

      I guess I’d say I like the Xbox controller better for everything but fighting games, and I can’t say I like the Dual Shock much for fighting games either. Maybe my main beef with Sony’s pad is that I can’t ever remember where all the buttons are; I know exactly where the A, B, X, and Y buttons are but I can never remember where the circle or triangle buttons are or whatever. I’m comfortable using either pad, though. Pretty much the only gamepad in the last few console generations that I really disliked was the Nintendo 64 pad.

      • Cantan says:

        Valkyria is a very funky game though I have reached the final level without ever attempting it… after a while the scripted battles just seem to get annoying… do love Marina and Rosie, oh and Jane (Selvaria is my favourite though, Alesia’s pretty funky too).

        Cannot understand the attraction of Edy though, she’s just useless.

        I know it was port from the 360 (or one of the other Consoles), but Star Ocean: The Last Hope (International) has some pretty damn funky characters too though. (Meracle chasing Sarah with a knife and fork is genius)! Cat Girl and Well Stacked space Elf… (Meracle and Myuria) what’s not to like?

        • Tier says:

          Ahh, Star Ocean … that was actually the subject of one of my very first posts on this site. I do like Meracle and Myuria a lot and if I remember right, I stopped playing just as I got the big scary guy with the scythe (name is escaping me at the moment). But damn did I hate the main dude. He might be up there with Emiya Shirou as far as protagonists that I detest. Well, okay, he’s not quite that far up there but he’s close. The voice acting wasn’t that great either, though maybe the actors were just making the best they could out of some poorly-developed characters. I think I recall reading that the PS3 version had a Japanese language option, which would have been very, very welcome on the 360 version.

          • Cantan says:

            Wouldn’t know – as you say, Last Hope International has the original Japanese voice dubbing, anime portraits options etc and subtitles. Think I turned off the English language settings after the first 5 mins!

            Has some very looong cutscenes though (it’s naother game I have reached the last level on without going any further. But seriously, a 45minute cutscene before you land on that Nox thingummyjig. After the first 10minutes I went off and made lunch – it was still running when I came back. (think I skipped every cutscene on that parallel earth, Mojave desert planet. Getting Meracle was the only redeeming feature there).

            Actually I only bought Star Ocean ’cause I was so disappointed with FF13. Have had a PS3 for about 8 months and haven’t completed a game yet.

      • Shashin says:

        If I were in your position, I could name a handful of exclusives I’d want to play. Though I haven’t played some of them yet, despite having a PS3. 3D Dot Game Heroes being one of them. I’m also a big fan of the Disgaea series. Demon’s Souls was fun, my card was just charged for Neptune… and if Persona 5 is ever released and isn’t a mobile game, it will almost certainly be a PS3 exclusive. It’s too bad we’ve missed out on so many of the Tales games; Symphonia is still one of my favorite games ever.

        Just like Japanese games, it’s certainly helpful if you ever plan on importing anime. But I guess that’s a lot less viable than importing games; if you don’t speak the language, a game could still offer a lot of content depending on the type of game (I’ve probably already played more Arcana Heart 3 than I have played Yakuza 4, as it starts out with about 30 minutes of talking), whereas with anime if you don’t understand the language you may not even bother watching the episodes. I guess I could see it for local anime, but honestly I haven’t noticed a massive leap in quality from the few BD movies I’ve watched. Though I have seen some BD vs DVD screen caps for some various anime that were very impressive, but I doubt I’d be able to notice such amazing differences when I was watching it myself.

        I’d say a stick is probably better for fighting games anyway. The D-pad has a quick way of tearing up my fingers. I don’t have the same problem with remembering buttons, though I will say that I don’t mind the 360 button layout. It’s really a shame that Sega released the DC when they did; I was always fond of the controller, and if they had released it just a little later with a second stick, things may have gone differently. Though I’d imagine that a second stick would completely thrown the design of the controller out the window.

        So, I’m finally trying to wrap up my dakimakura purchases. Was trying to buy a Marks Nymph cover that was on YHJ the other day. Started out with a 15000 bid, and I put in a snipe maximum of 30100. Went to bed a few hours before and didn’t manage to wake before the auction closed. And for the first time, I lost the auction to another SMJ user. Was a bit sad about that, as I had thought about increasing my bid before I went to bed, but for whatever reason I didn’t. Anyhow, it all worked out in a way, as I doubt I would have been able to afford it.

        The seller of the cover though is a fairly interesting one. He has a fairly nice listing of some hard to get covers. In fact, as I was browsing through his items, I managed to find the second dakimakura I had been scouring YHJ for; the one that only fwisy had been selling previously. I snapped it up in a heartbeat, and can finally say that I have all the dakimakura covers I absolutely had to have. Well, except for the other ten thousand or so that I want.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I can’t really think of many. I’d like to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Sigma 2 to play as Rachel but I already have the original games for the Xbox and the 360 (and I bought both Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black). I liked the first Disgaea, I played the second Disgaea for about ten minutes and I still have Phantom Brave in shrinkwrap, and I feel I ought to give those a try before getting a PS3 for Disgaea 3 and 4. I guess Ar Tonelico III is also compelling but I still have Ar Tonelico II here, which I played for about fifteen minutes. Persona 5 would be absolutely compelling but as it hasn’t even been announced, it’s not going to factor into my purchasing decision.

          There’s not a lot on the console I want to play right now and overseas DVDs and Blu-rays aren’t really my thing but I think I’ll probably get a PS3 fairly soon anyway. Perhaps sooner than I expect, since Newegg’s running this deal where they give a $50 gift card with a 160GB PS3 purchase. That sounds like the best deal I might find in the near future, though the rational side of me tells me that I ought to spend the money on something else since I hardly play the 360 much. In addition, I don’t even have space for it right now, and that’s a bigger problem for me than affording it.

          I’m not sure what’s more odd, that you lost to another SMJ user or that the pillowcase went over 30k yen. I’ve been sitting here thinking 13,500 is too much for a dakimakura cover. There are some really hardcore pillowcase collectors out there.

          I am guessing you are done collecting pillowcases about as much as I am done buying doll clothes XD

          • Shashin says:

            Yeah, I know how that is. I still have a library of PS2 games I’ve never played, some of them outstanding titles such as Okami. I just purchased a lot of games when they were on sale or had great used deals (3 for $15 on PS2 games was always my favorite.) I really liked the story in the first Disgaea; not a work of art by any means, but it had a good deal of silly humor going for it. Disgaea 2 had the better story, but not as much of the humor. Was still fun, though. I’ve only played the first couple stages of Disgaea 3, because honestly while there were some improvements, it was a lot of the same. Disgaea 4 apparently upgrades the graphics significantly though, so I’ll probably jump in again there. I thought there was an interview or something early last year that said work on Persona 5 would begin soon. Haven’t really heard anything since then, and it could still be some time out, but I thought it was announced at least.

            Yeah, they’re definitely a waste of money for someone who watches fan subs and the like. I guess it’s to show some support, but the DVDs are vastly overpriced (at least by American standards) and I really dislike the censoring practice in broadcast episodes to drive DVD sales; that alone almost makes me want to pirate the anime out of spite. But yet I’ve still purchased a few.

            It’s pretty funny how we are when it comes to spending money sometimes. I know I can’t fathom paying more than a certain amount for things that would be worth it, yet I pay large sums for pillowcases and figures. You and your beat down car and lack of PS3, yet you have an impressive collection of doll clothing, camera parts, and figures.

            Yeah, I honestly hadn’t figured there’d be more than two people outside of Japan who would be willing to pay so much for a pillowcase. Trust me, 13,500 isn’t much at all. >_> The case I had been looking for was 22000 and it’s SK; granted it was made in 2006, so I’d imagine that might have been the prevalent material at the time, but still. I count myself as one of those hardcore collectors.

            Never! I see at least 3-4 announced a week that I want to pick up, with an ever increasing backlog of covers I want to purchase. Currently thinking about putting in an order for the newest No Real work, but I’m going to wait until closer to the deadline to decide.

          • Tier says:

            I don’t recall that Persona 5 ever got an announcement from Atlus but I’m sure it’s in the works; I can’t imagine this console generation is going to pass by without a Persona game.

            On a slightly related note, I read a couple days back that Microsoft was planning on doing a remake of the first Halo game and my initial reaction was that it was a dumb idea, since Halo came out on the original Xbox and it’s not that different from Halo 3 but then the article pointed out this November, it’ll be ten years since it was released. I had to stop and think that it’s already been ten years; it really doesn’t seem that long. I mean, ten years was the difference between the launch of Halo and the original Xbox and the launch of Super Mario World and the SNES.

            Yeah, my priorities are really strange when it comes to expenditures. I went out to fill up gas earlier this evening and I was hungry as hell. Right around the gas station was a KFC, an Arby’s, a Popeye’s, a Five Guys, and some sort of wings and cheesesteak joint that I kinda want to try but never remember to. I was starving but I decided to just go home and eat rice because I do not like unnecessarily spending money on food. This right before I wrote a review criticizing a figure that I blew something like a hundred bucks on.

            Hmm, I see Evening Call is doing a pillowcase of Cecilia from Infinite Stratos. I watched the first episode and didn’t actually like it a ton – it’s a harem show with a ton of tsundere types, from what I can tell – but Cecilia does have a fine ass. I’ll keep an eye on it, I think. I do also like that NoReal one; blonde hair and yellow eyes is a cool combo.

  8. Shashin says:

    Yeah, I just looked it up and there has been no official announcement. There has been speculation of a Persona game on the PSP, PS3 and 3DS, though. Who knows how long this generation is going to last; I honestly don’t know where they can really go from here. Every console has a motion controller, fairly great online systems (well, if they care about that…), and we’ve seen some pretty amazing graphics. I could easily see this generation extending for another 3-4 years before we even have a hint at the next thing to come. But I don’t know. Anyhow, got a bit off the point; just wanted to say that I hope we see Persona 5 before the next generation, and if it’s going to be awhile before that, then sooner over later.

    Yeah, that’s crazy. In the game industry, ten years really does seem like yesterday. I still remember playing the hell out of my Dreamcast, and we’ve seen two full generations since then (well, depending on where you mark it… I guess it could be thrown in with PS2/GC/Xbox, but that seems a bit unfair.) Don’t know how I feel about a Halo remake, though. I mean, honestly, the story was absolutely generic. The gameplay was a lot of fun… ten years ago. I honestly stopped caring about Halo after a couple hours with the 3rd game. Halo 2 was probably the height as it brought easily accessible online play and dual wielding.

    Heh, that is strange I have to say. Good for you, because I spend way too much money on food, but still strange. I really need to cut back for my wallet and gut, but I honestly enjoy trying all the different delicious things the city has to offer. And different fast food monstrosities. Currently have my eye set on trying a Luther Double Down. One of my weird things is I absolutely hate that this generation has us paying $60 for most games, yet I’m going to be paying $70ish for Catherine and I paid about $100 for Arcana Heart 3.

    I haven’t watched any anime yet this season. There are a couple of shows that I want to check out, but I haven’t had the motivation or the time. That is one fine ass, I have to agree. Yeah, it’s a unique combination and I like it a lot. I really do like it, and it would be a shame if I were to miss it due to financial reasons. I have to say that I really like the way No Real has been going; I’ve yet to see the uncensored versions, but they’ve been getting more detailed in their anatomy.

    • Tier says:

      I’m looking forward to the Halo remake – if it gets made – since I liked the first game a lot. I still have ODST here in the queue and I have yet to pick up Halo Reach, though it’s on the very short list of games I want to buy. Yeah, the story was pretty derivative but the presentation was excellent; that’s something I value a lot, since there are a lot of games that have compelling stories but do an absolutely awful job of telling them. Halo, Persona, and Mass Effect do a great job of telling their stories and immersing the player … I can name a ton of games (probably disproportionately Japanese) that really suck at it.

      I think the $60 price tag is one of the things that really deters me from buying new games. I bought a ton of Xbox and PS2 games but I haven’t bought nearly as many for this console generation, which is strange since I was a broke, unemployed student for most of the Xbox/PS2 era and I have a job now. I bought a lot of marginal games back then, though, and at $60 each, I’m a little bit more discriminating when it comes to what video games I buy. Curiously, this attitude does not extend at all to anime-related goods.

      I haven’t watched much anime from this season either. Infinite Stratos is kinda blah – it’s a harem show with what appears to be at least three tsundere types (though the blonde girl seems to get over that really quickly). Freezing is so damn bad which is a shame since it’s about cute girls slicing each other apart with blades and chains. I think recent hentai shows have had more interesting stories than a lot of anime that gets broadcast on TV these days.

  9. Persocom says:

    Though I’ve never watched an episode, I do like this look for them. It’s much more appealing than the anime’s style. The less juicy side suit me better I think XD Good review, seeing such nice dakimakura’s always makes me wish I had more.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks XD The super-deformed style was kinda cute but I really prefer this more realistic style as well. Dakimakura covers are fun things to collect, especially since so few people actually collect them compared to figures, Figmas, and Dollfies.

  10. sick says:

    Is this a legit product? If so, I was hoping they’d do one in their powerpuff girl form.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, this is a legit product, or rather, it’s a doujin product; Gainax isn’t making any money off of this but doujin goods are a big staple of anime merchandise. It’s kinda funny now that I think about it, for a series as popular as Panty & Stocking, I haven’t seen a lot of the usual doujin stuff (pillowcases, doujinshi, boxer shorts), though I think a dakimakura cover with their Powerpuff Girl form would be pretty cool, too.

  11. azn0will says:

    Mmm. Nice, hot babes!

  12. Cantan says:

    You know what you need to set this dakimakura off?

    These two:
    Panty &

    Think they would really go with the cover… maybe you should order them now! 🙂

    Not making the same mistake I made with that little robot girl… these are the real deal!

  13. Cantan says:

    Have you seen a release date or stockist for Evening Call’s Asuka Langley cover?


    Can’t really find it listed anywhere… only site I’ve seen it on is Toranoana… and they aren’t exactly Babelfish friendly. Can’t tell if the “effective date” is the order date, the release date or whether there is an indication of it being in stock…

    The fact it’s not listed for sale anywhere… except for a solitary knockoff off YJA is a bit surprising.

    Any ideas?

    • Shashin says:

      When I was browsing Paletweb a few weeks back, I’m fairly sure they said they’d be shipping it in July. The page you linked on Evening Call’s website says between June-July from my limited Japanese knowledge. Only see 3/26 on Toranoana, which I’m fairly sure is the day they posted it/preorders were available/ended. Dakimakura blog says late June, though they don’t give a range.

    • Tier says:

      Doujindou suggests that it shipped on the 25th, though White Canvas says it won’t ship until early July. At any rate, if it’s not out yet, I’m guessing it’ll be out really soon; I bet there will be at least a few listings of this pillowcase on YJA in a week or so.

  14. Spinner says:

    Love the Megatokyo censor for the cover, just saying <3

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