Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko (NSFW)

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Ahh, it feels like it’s been a while since I reviewed a porno figure. Too long it has been. But to my great pleasure, I have a new one here, and it’s from the best ero figure maker in the business. New h-figure, the weather is great, payday is tomorrow, and I’ve got chili dogs for dinner, I can hardly ask for more.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Shoujo M is the latest figure in Native’s Creator’s Collection. She went up for preorder in June of last year, meaning that it took over ten months for her to go from solicitation to release. Amazing.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Naruko Hanaharu Figure Review

She doesn’t appear to have an actual name, and presumably the M means “maid,” as she’s decked out in an abbreviated anime maid outfit. Standing about 18 centimeters tall, she’s not a very large figure, although she’s ostensibly sculpted in 1/7 scale. She comes with a standard circular base but she doesn’t really need it to stay upright, as she also comes with a small dressing stool that features a depression that her leg slots into. She takes up much less space this way, so that’s the way I’m displaying her.


Shoujo M is based off of artwork by Hanaharu Naruko, as is Native’s upcoming Shoujo S figure. The figure is fairly faithful to the source, apart from her hair being a bit more flared out. The figure also lacks certain liquids that have been deposited on the blushing maid in the artwork. We’re probably better off this way, but there is no doubt that certain figure reviewers have their cans of condensed milk ready to remedy this omission.

Incidentally, and somewhat incongruously, the same artist did the artwork for the manga version of Kamichu! That’s a rather pronounced shift in subject material.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Shoujo M’s face is unusual in that her eyes are almost square-shaped and lack pupils. It looks a bit strange to me, perhaps even a bit perturbing, but I really like her facial expression, which shows off a good degree of discomfort that works great when snapping pictures of her with props and other figures.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

I certainly have little to complaint about in regard to her sculpt. She’s trying to cover herself up with her arms, but she succeeds about as well as her clothing does. Note that unlike Kotone Ousaka, there aren’t any options to conceal her breasts; they’re going to stand out proud and exposed for the world to admire and if that’s not your thing, you’ll have to break out some masking tape or a Post-It note or something to improvise a covering.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Like Kotone, Shoujo M has a fantastic ass. I wish more figure manufacturers would sculpt figure asses like this.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Shoujo M comes with a small apron that gives her a modicum of dignity, but if that’s not to your liking you can deny her that by separating her at the waist and removing it.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

One unfortunate aspect of her sculpt is that her genitalia is not particularly prominent. An even more lamentable detail is that she doesn’t have a realistically-sculpted anus. This lack is not particularly surprising but it’s disappointing nonetheless. A figure like this should have a realistically-sculpted anus. This sort of thing is important. Important, I tell you.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

She comes with this shattered plate, which is quite literally shattered. It comes in pieces and I suppose you can strew them wherever you plan to display her. I think this accessory is now the leading candidate for accessory that I am most likely to lose in the future, so I put it back in the box.

Note that Shoujo M does not come with a golden dildo or St. Andrew’s cross or chains. Sorry.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Kotone Ousaka is a fantastic figure and I’m sure that Shoujo S will be just as good, but neither of them evince any sort of personality; they stare blankly out into space, with no expression of discomfiture at all the people ogling their private bits. Shoujo M, in contrast, is visibly distressed, vainly trying to hide herself with an expression that conveys both embarrassment and resignation. I think the body language that she gives off is my favorite aspect of this figure.

Native Shoujo M from the Native Creator's Collection Figure Review

It’s been a long wait for Shoujo M but I think she was worth it. Native’s figures are consistently excellent, and about the only thing I could ask for is a slightly larger size. And maybe a realistically-sculpted anus. But even without either of those I’m still very pleased with this figure and I’m very much looking forward to Shoujo S, Chie, and the unfortunately-named Trunk Girl.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

There’s a review of her up on foo-bar-baz. I’m not aware of any English-language websites that have done a photoshoot of her at this time.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

I really ought to use Aldra in more figure shoots; I can think of a lot of fun ways to use her. Okay, maybe it’s only one way, but it’s still fun.

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

Native Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko Figure Review

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30 Responses to Shoujo M from the Art of Hanaharu Naruko (NSFW)

  1. Shashin says:

    Glad to see the figure turned out great (not that I really expected any less, after happily inspecting Collet.) I wish I had been into figures when this dropped on Japanese sites, as I’m not sure if my American store preorder will go through, but I really hope it does.

    Is I’m sure I’ve mentioned previously, I love Shoujo Material, and I can’t wait to get my hands on both of this figure and Shoujo S. Thanks for the pictures until I have my own. πŸ˜€

  2. Aka says:

    Nice. I love when people use Aludra in shots, it makes me feel less bad about the shots I took a while back with Aludra, Drossel and I believe Kagamiku.

    The figure looks quite good, I didn’t order her though just her counterpart Shoujo S. I’m interested in trunk girl as well, I wish they’d name them though because these are sort of strange names.

    Again with the sculpted anus eh, I don’t feel that’s such an important aspect so much as a well sculpted bum in general.

  3. Chag says:

    Loving the atmosphere in these photos! After searching for your reviews on adult figures I figured out the source of that FANTASTIC golden dong, but so far I have yet to find the source of that cross. Wherever did you get such a thing??

  4. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    From what I’ve seen, American retailers do a pretty good job fulfilling preorders for Native’s figures, which is strange since they’re website-exclusive in Japan. As evidence, I have an extra Kotone Ousaka and Collet boxed up here; I preordered them from American stores but I didn’t think they’d actually be able to fill my orders, so I bought them off of eBay and YJA respectively. Then I forgot all about them until I got my shipping notices.

    >> Aka
    I see nothing to feel bad (or uncomfortable) about with those shots. I think they were very nice pictures. I mean, besides the usage of Drossel but I think my dislike for Drossel is transferring to dislike of fuggin’ Miku nendoroids anyway.

    A name for Trunk Girl would be nice, although I have to admit, Trunk Girl does sound really funny in that the actual figure probably isn’t anything like what you’d initially guess (well, my first guess would be of a corpse in the trunk of a car, I’m not sure if anyone else would make a similar guess).

    Again and again! It’s important. Important. So is good sculpting on the ass, though. I’ll forgo the proper aperture if the roundness is apparent. Flatness is sucky. Like on that figure of Asuka that REFLECT is doing, where did her ass go?

    >> Chag
    Thanks! That gold schlong may be my favorite figure accessory thus far. The cross is actually home-built from some small planks I got from a hobby store. I built it for another purpose, which is why it’s a bit oversized.

  5. Ashlotte says:

    Ah nice to see you back at the top of your game…Just isn’t tentacle blog without some psuedo porn figure adorning the front page eh. :p

    I stole like…all the shots this time…Hurry the hell up and get your other native figures eh! I must have the pictures!

    (I’d offer to buy those extras off you, but I have a serious space crisis at the moment…bleh damn shoebox apartment…)

  6. phossil says:

    wow, great pictures!
    No doubt this is a wonderful figure!

  7. Tier says:

    >> Ashlotte
    I agree, this site was meant to have an ero figure on the front page at all times. Man, I’m hoping Native doesn’t take nearly as long to put out Shoujo S; it’s sorta funny how quickly they got Collet out (just two months between preorder opening and the ship date, if I remember right) yet took forever to get a much smaller figure made. Hmm, I suppose I ought to come out with some ideas for Shoujo S; Shoujo M was pretty easy to come up with a backdrop idea and the bathtub girl almost needs no thought, but I’m not sure how to shoot Shoujo S right now.

    >> phossil
    Thanks! I’m really a big fan of Native (and Max Factory by extension, I suppose).

  8. Marcucho says:

    this is a wonderful figure!! so bad that her details are not good…. wel, i think she appers a little bit simple but her face and ger body make that less…

    Excellentes photos!!!

  9. Shashin says:

    I was all excited when I opened my email this morning. There was a message from Entertainment Earth (only have this item preordered with them) with the subject “Your order status”. I opened it up, and it was just a that, a notification email on the current status of my order. Killed my spirits a bit, but at least it’s set to release this month, and I preordered it over a month ago, so I should hopefully get one.

  10. Tier says:

    >> Marcucho
    It is! I love pretty much every figure Native’s ever put out.

    >> Shashin
    Haha, yeah, I remember that; I preordered GSC’s dark elf figure from them and they sent status reports every month or so. I’ve noticed that a lot of US stores don’t update their projected ship dates, so I usually tack on two months from the Japanese release date to estimate the domestic ship date.

  11. Ashlotte says:

    Shoujo S…hmmm Im not good with indoor shoots, but I’d pick something decadent looking. Like some glass in the background or like a glass bowl with strawberries maybe…Ah either way defiantly something that highlights the delicious excess of a half-naked girl slowly enjoying her strawberry yea? ~_^

  12. VF says:

    Love the way you did the background, really suits the figure. She has a great expression on her face, works really well with photos and the shots you have of a figure sitting in the foreground watching her. lol

    I wonder if Shoujo S will be delayed as well…

  13. Tier says:

    >> Ashlotte
    Yeah, she looks a bit more refined than Native’s other girls; I’m thinking she needs something a bit classier than what I usually come up with.

    Though then again, I’ll fully admit that when it comes to ideas, mine usually are anything but classy. It won’t be surprising if I put her up next to a stripper pole instead. Giving a private dance. To the president and the Master Chief.

    >> VF
    Thanks! I had planned on using this idea for Rika Shiraki, since she looks like somebody is staring at her, but I had some concerns that that figure might not turn out too well since I’m not familiar with the manufacturer. Though I saw your photos on Tsuki-board and it looks like those fears were unfounded. I think mine is still in Amiami’s warehouse somewhere in Japan and since they’re on vacation for most of this week, I guess it’ll be a while till I get mine ;_;

    Speaking of Amiami, does anyone know if they’ve got an English-language site anymore?

    I’m hoping that Shoujo S comes out on time; I think part of Shoujo M’s massive delay was their rush to get Collet out by Christmas time (which they did, amazingly). I don’t think they’ve got anything else on the table besides S, now, though I’m really, really, really looking forward to Chie. I wonder if she’ll come with fake bathwater or if I’ll need to get some Daiki Gel.

  14. Shashin says:

    Yeah, Amiami has been a bit weird the last few days. Most times I get redirected to the Japanese page, but I’ve been able to pull up the English page by manually typing

  15. Aka says:

    Trunk Girl makes me think of those guro pictures that used to show up on 4chan back in the day before there were real moderators I guess… and rules.

    I guess I’m just overly self-concious feeling bad about the Aludra shots I took since I wouldn’t want some people I know to see them, though I probably should just come clean with everything, it’s far easier.

    I guess I should come up with ideas on how to shoot Shoujo S, if at all, as well. Would be fun to do it in the middle of a busy mall or something, haha.

  16. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    Sweetness, that works. I guess I ought to put in a preorder for that one Daiki Kougyou Queen’s Blade figure, then.

    >> Aka
    Haha, I was thinking it looked something like that. Guess it’ll be easy to come up with some ideas for her XD

    Yeah, I guess I know what that’s like. Wait, no I don’t, my friends pretty much encourage me to put up lewd shots up on this page.

    Now that is a fantastic idea. You should totally do this; if you can get some passers-by turning their heads at your figure, that’d be like, the greatest set of figure pictures ever taken.

  17. VF says:

    Shiraki Rika definitely turned out pretty good! I really don’t have that many complaints about that figure, aside from the fact she’s so hard to take apart (she’s tight). lol

    I’m sure you’ll find some really interesting ways to take some photos of her, can’t wait! πŸ™‚

    Aka, if you’re going to the local mall to take pictures of Shoujo S, let me know and I’ll tag along. This is something I gotta see in person. LMAO!

  18. Fabrice says:

    Ooh nice =)
    maid sama!
    there are sure lots of maid related series anime coming out recently.

    mhmm anyway she looks nice =)

  19. Aka says:

    lol no no those were ideas for other people! I fear someone would get angry with me and break her stating that it’s entirely unappropriate to display such an item infront of children etc… It would be funny though if I or someone could get pictures of it all, including the people getting angry and then whomever running away with the figure trying to save it from an angry mob.

    As for the lude photography, some friends encourage it, others do not, so I’m in the middle.

  20. dryden says:

    again a excellent figure from native, and, again, the pics you made are great too =)

    i preordered her too, but she didnt arrived yet…
    cant wait till she comes to join my harem, kekeke~

  21. Tier says:

    >> VF
    I’ll be careful dismantling her, then. I’ve got a few ideas although I think this one here was my best one. Maybe I’ll have the president in the foreground instead.

    >> Fabrice
    She does! And yeah, there are. Uhh, at least there’s the one with the poor girl who works at a maid cafe while running the student council or something. I’m not keeping up too well with ongoing anime series (even Seikon no Qwaser, the greatest anime of all time).

    >> Aka
    Hmm, yeah, I guess it would really suck if your cute half-naked anime figure got busted up by some asshole at the mall. I dunno what things are like there in Canada … I sorta picture everyone as Eskimos up there … it could definitely happen here in Virginia, though.

    >> dryden
    Thanks! She’s a great figure, hopefully you’ll get yours soon.

  22. VF says:

    We all live in igloos up here in Canada, instead of cars we have polar bears. Instead of cats and dogs we have penguins and seals. XD

  23. Aka says:

    I’ve always been taught that Eskimo is a bad word, we call them the Inuit.

    From Wiki “In Canada and Greenland, the term Eskimo has fallen out of favour, as it is considered pejorative by the natives and has been replaced by the term Inuit. The Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, sections 25 and 35 recognized the Inuit as a distinctive group of Canadian aboriginals.”

  24. Tier says:

    >> VF
    I knew it! That sounds like a really cool place to live (no pun intended). I wish I had a gang of sled dogs to haul me to work … that would beat driving through northern Va. traffic any of the week.

    >> Aka
    Ha, if I ever visit northern Canada, I’ll be sure to sling “eskimo” around at every opportunity. (I managed to get a lot of the people I lived with during my first year in college to think that I was racist; it was pretty funny, my roommate stopped talking to me after the first semester, and I don’t doubt that was due to me greeting everyone with racial slurs [in retrospect, that was probably slightly more polite than the RA, who liked greeting us with homophobic slurs.)

  25. DaSaru says:

    Ooo..Native does it again.
    She looks nice from all around and the chair is a nice touch when they could just have her kneeling.
    Pity about the nicely shaped but non sculpted ass. πŸ˜›

    I await your pics and review of Shoujo S since I like strawberries. πŸ™‚

  26. Tier says:

    Indeed! I forget to mention how nice the dressing stool looks; Native is as good at sculpting furniture as they are at sculpting naked anime girls.

  27. Blowfish says:

    Ah what a bummer that theyre chickening out on the genitalia part…
    I admit the fact that Native does realistic figures played a big part in my preorder of Shoujo S.
    Kaiyodo was also chickening out with the QB Revoltech line.At first they were anatomically correct,then the lips were less defined and with the release of Nowa they completley vanished.

    Using Aldra is kinky Positions is a joy πŸ˜€
    And the best thing is that I own to Aldras and they cn do each other or sandwich a figure inbetween.

    Thanks for the review.Cant wait for my Shoujo S ^^

  28. Tier says:

    Aww … that’s too bad, you can do some good things with poseables. I’d definitely collect anatomically-correct action figures.

    Haha, that’s awesome, if I had two of them I’d definitely have some DP pictures up here. I’m sure I’d scare off some of my visitors but ehh … if my next dakimakura review doesn’t freak people out, I don’t know what will.

  29. Pingback: Review: Kotobukiya’s Kasugano Sora | OMGWebsite

  30. Pingback: Alter: Saber Alter (maid version)

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